Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Goodmorning Brian
What a wonderful display you produced. So much love and hard work put into it all. A shame that Sunday was a 'wash out' after everyone's efforts but glad that Monday bought in the crowds and you did well. I am sure you are absolutely shattered from the organisation and long days so hoping you are being rewarded with some naughty nibbles and get your feet up for a while. Suspect the next spell of good weather plus a few days R&R will find you back in the workshop.
Sorry that your brother in law is suffering from the bug (seems to be a lot of them going around) and fingers crossed he manages to 'flush it out' soon (sorry!). The care home gets its fair share of these and am not visiting today but have spoken to the staff and Mum doing okay just now. Her younger sister (85 in June) who had op for cancer around Christmas has now 'thrown away her stick' and begun taking the bus to her local shopping centre (Newmarket) on her own once more plus managing to fill many bags with weeds from her gardens (what a woman!!) and she is telling me to take care!!
Busy week for me. Worked yesterday till 5pm but customer levels were down so was able to get on with other shop floor duties which will less for my colleague to do today. Today I have appointment with doctor and got my blood results. Despite my fears all was okay and cholesterol well below required levels - yippee. On the downside she took my BP and was not happy so I was despatched with orders to get a monitor and I have to take readings twice weekly for six weeks and report back - ho hum.
Tonight I am going to my daughter's for a skincare party and then tomorrow I tackle another 'first'. I am going with a friend to the restaurant hubby and I regularly visited when he was well (last time I was there was shortly after his terminal diagnosis so am sure the lovely staff will want to catch up - deep breathing will be called for). The friend I am going with (we got to know each other when expecing our children (her first, my second!) is not doing so well emotionally following the loss of her dear Mum so she called on me 'off the cuff' to see if I could keep her company - think she knows my weakness for curry and gossip?
Weather is very blustery today (but no rain since overnight deluge so far) and a shame to see the blossom being blown away (my dustbin took off down the road and had to be 'saved' once the refusemen had emptied it and I now have a paving stone holding it down!!!!).
Well, I am off to wonder on how I go about lowering BP (am hoping it was a blip but good to be checked out over a period of time and 'stressing about it' not really a help I guess).
Take care, slow down and hope the interior light on the car stays 'fixed'. Chat again soon. Jules x
Hi Max
You mentioned very kindly sponsoring my grandson when he joins his Mum for the Race for Life on 14 June and have finally got info from my daughter as to how to give directly should you wish to do so. See below.
Hope today is a good one lovely lady. Speak soon. Jules x
Morning Jules ....... thanks for that, I would love to bless him (and Mum)!
I am well impressed that you know how to set up a link - I wouldn't have a clue, well done you!
Speak soon x
Hi Max
My daughter was absolutely 'made up' when I told her a 'virtual buddy' was offering support and I pass on her thanks and that of Joel. It will be a difficult day emotionally but so worthwhile. Now here is where I own up about the 'link'. All I did was type the site address and it highlighted it in blue (I am probably as amazed as you that it works.) Though of course we have personal loss to support this year, the group my daughter belongs to was set up by the husband of a young mum at the school who passed away a couple of years ago and they chose this charity to run in her memory. This will be the first time Joel has joined in as he was too young before.
Thanks again lovely forum buddy. Take care Jules xx
Hi Jules,
I had allready wriiten a largish post when suddenly I lost it all. So I will try again. Energy levels are almost back to normal today. Plus the cars interior lights are behaving which is more than can be said for me as I have wound up both my elderly neighbour and Mrs B, in a good natured way of course.
If Kathy should happen to read this, they still had my cheese biscuits on offer at half price at our local Tesco's. But Mrs B said, these are the last ones you can buy as I have run out of room in my cupboards. So I replied, well I can soon sort that out if I eat a lot of them. Dont think Mrs B was too impressed with that. I tried to see if she would bake me some homemade ones but she just pointed at the cooker and said you know where the cheese and flour is. Just cant seem to get my way anymore.
We already have had an enquiry about joining the wood club as a result of the show. I had a young disabled girl who rather took a fancy to one of my wooden acorn key rings. The adults with her told her they didnt have any change and started to move away and I could see she was quite upset. So I called her back and told her she could take it with her and Jules it was worth it just to see the smile on her face. The metal ring cost me less than 10p and only took less than 5 minutes work, and it's not the first time I have done this. It not all about making money. To be honest, I doubt if most crafts people make money if they took a hard analitical look at their costs. Most are lucky if they cover their costs. In my instance, it is so easy to overlook the cost of abrasive paper, laquer, glue, electricity, tools, ect. I do it more because I enjoy making things out of waste timber and also enjoy meeting people.
Hope you enjoyed you meal with your friend. When I took Mrs B to se the nurse for a check up yesterday, I asked the nurse if she could tell me the result of my blood test for my psa I had last week. My psa has gone up from 0.89 to 1.4 but the nurse said the doctor wa quite happy as it's still very low. I am not concerned as my consultant said my psa would evcentually rise to about 3 to 3.5.
Have tried out my mini blow lamp today for my badgers and am quite pleased with the results. Hope to show you the results shortly.
Take care and will chat again soon, Brian.
Hi Jules, firstly let me apologise for not being on the forum for so long, but you do remain in my thoughts. How are you doing? Sounds like your visit to your Mum recently was lively albeit a little emotional too. I did chuckle when you said she was tapping her feet to the music, seems like she does enjoy things despite being non communitive at times. Shame your bingo is closing, hope you can find somewhere else to go to have a social night out. I'm chugging along, youngest coming up to exams and hoping he gets the required grades to go. to Uni in London in September. Eldest still doing well & now they are both fairly independent it's maybe time for some "Me time" - whatever will I do LOL! Take care & thinking of you. Hope x
Hi Brian
Lovely to hear that you made a little girl very happy by your act of kindness. Anyone watching would have b een truly touched, as I am. Her smile would have been reward enough. Glad you have had interest in the Club too as it would be a shame to see numbers fall away - we need this kind of craftsmanship to be encouraged (I can come up with ideas but would be hopeless on the practical front!!).
Hope you have not run out of biscuits in an effort to get the cupboard re-filled and cannot imagine Mrs B will let you starve. Good luck with your next shopping trip!
Fantastic news regarding your psa results and hope Mrs B's check up was okay too. I have to do twice weekly observations with newly acquired BP monitor starting this Friday - hope the stress of working it does not raise the BP ha ha.
Look forward to seeing your new handiwork with 'blow lamp' badgers and what fun you must be having thinking up and carrying out new ideas.
Had a nice meal out with my friend and was good to return to a well liked restaurant. We had a big catch up on family news and promised ourselves not to leave it so long the next time.
Work was manic today and was pretty pleased when the time came to leave for home. Am being lazy and have not even changed out of the uniform yet but am in for the rest of today so don't think I shall worry about it!!
Hope you and Mrs B have a peaceful weekend and that your young grandson is getting on okay. Regards Jules x
Hi Brian
Re the biccies can't you build a wooden box to store them in??? No room for more shelving in the kitchen??!
Loved your display of wooden products, you are a very talented gent indeed. You have such a gift. I can't even draw curtains.
Made dessert tonight for first time in ages as had a pal around for tea.
Bread and butter pudding yum.
Getting back into the baking/cooking mode after a while away from it. Or maybe I just do to stir you, either way it works.
Regards to Mrs B.
Take care
Kathy x
Hi Hope
Nice to see your post and catch up with your news. You must be very proud of your boys and wish the youngest all the best for his exams - nailbiting times! I bet your eldest is working hard and enjoying his chosen path (and enjoying Uni social life along the way). If younger son gets into London am I right in remembering they will both be based in the City?
Do not worry you will always find something to do with your time and you thoroughly deserve the me time or perhaps even some 'us time' with your husband. I enjoyed an Indian curry with a friend from 'second time round ante natal days' - blast from the past and she was looking for company to help her get back into social life having lost her Mum back in February (we were on the same wavelength). Have promised to do it again, sooner rather than later, but the days do seem to whizz by and its good to be back to some sort of work routine after my series of breaks (mind you after today's manic Thursday change around at work am wondering why I am still there ha ha).
Sleep still 'disturbed' but hopefully time will sort this out - no matter how much I do during the day I still seem to wake every few hours or so (habit that could be hard to break perhaps).
Look after yourself and thanks for your kind words. I am sure many of us remember those whom we have chatted too along our journey on the forum and appreciated your dropping by. Kind thoughts sent your way. Jules x