My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • [[ ]]Apologies guys, have to do it again


  • Yum yum !! Looks scrummy!! Its tipping it down here also. We live next door to Mrs Perfect and she is fiddling in the garden (which is also perfect!). its enought to put us off going in the garden. Glad things are busy!!

    Good luck with the show Brian = have fun mate - even if its raining!!

    see you all - just nipping out to look at my car. The windscreen suddenly and without cause split yesterday = a heavenly bolt from on high - I think. Better check it - and get it booked in!


  • Hi Jules just caught up with your news. Gosh - it's it a year already?  Scary how flies the time! I am glad things feel more settled and mum is doing okay. I am so glad.  You have been such an inspiration to me over the year and maybe to so many xx

  • Kathy, you are so naughty putting tempting pics here - when Brian sees this he will be giving Mrs B a nudge I am sure.

     Once the rain stopped I walked to the farmer's market and now there is more naughty cheese in the fridge. Treated myself to locally made feta and am planning on adding it to a tomato and onion salad (this will  make it look  healthy haha).  Thankfully the sun is now shining and though a little breezy will venture outside in a bit (refuelling with a cuppa first) to clean the outside seats (currently stacked in a corner) in the hope that when I do family lunch on the 16th it will be  nice and we can eat outside. With dry weather forecast for tomorrow I doubt the shop will be very busy so can see some   cleaning and tidying ahead as we will not get a delivery to put out as its Bank Holiday.  Chat soon  Jules x  

  • Bless you Steve, I feel if should repay the forum for all the support I have received/still receive and whilst its often sad to read others going through cancer journeys/treatment /loss, if in some small way I can give some support back then its the least I can do.  I too find it hard to believe that my good friend left us a year ago next weekend but its good to stay in touch with the family (her youngest is also my godson).  Today it is also four months since I lost hubby and held his hand for the last time but am hanging on to all the good memories to get me through day to day. Look after yourself. Jules x

  • Hi Jules

    Just like to give you a big hug & say how brave you are & to everyone else on here well done & take care x

  • Bless you also - the World is a better place because of you. One day wheni am at the pearly gates I will ask Saint Peter why is it some people - well,  you know,  have a tough time of it - and he better have a good answer!  Anne had been singing all day. Just love your talk of food. One lady boss is on the 3:4 diet- one day diet one day eating - so now I know which day to avoid her! Grr! 

    Have a lovely bank holiday.  I growing on my tomato seedlings today.  I would give you some of I could

    Xx steve

  • Thanks Mower, somehow we are all managing to support those who know how it feels and also in our own lives. Keeping busy seems to help too. I do not feel at all brave but am rather like my late Dad who was very philosophical about life (having been disabled in the Second World War but always grateful to have lived through it when he lost so many mates). I was one of the lucky ones to have had the company of a lovely man for so many years and would like to think that the memories will keep me going now.

    Am working today and about to get ready to catch the tube into town. Typically its a lovely day here at the moment and I would prefer to be out in the garden or going for a lovely walk - hey ho!  Will pop a message on your thread later as time is running away from me!

    Sending peaceful thoughts your way and a virtual hug.  Jules x

  • Hi Steve

    Home grown toms, will be yummy I am sure. I am a lazy gardener and mainly shrubs which only need trimming  back plus lawn out back.  Have quite a small front garden (ornamental grasses, peonies, forsythia and a few containers dotted about ) but what grows the best ..........weeds ha ha (though some very pretty when in flower).  I bought some large vine tomatoes at the weekend and am thinking tomato/onion salad with feta cheese (doc won't be happy with the latter ingredient but  perhaps its best I dont tell her ha ha).  Afraid I do love food and Kathy and Brian crease me up with their bantering (hi all).  Hope you and Anne have a good day, must go as need to catch tube to work soon.  Hugs  Jules

    Am working from 10-5 today so will be kept occupied (am thinking take-away meal tonight!) though I think only 4 of us actually on shift (over two floors!!). Lovely young trainee supervisor 'in charge' so she will cover my half hour break

  • Good morning Jules,

    As Arnie said, "I'm back". Sorry I have not replied before but have been leaving early and getting home late, feeling absolutely exhausted. I do love doing these craft fairs but boy o boy do they tire me out. Sunday was a waste of time and hardly covered my petrol cost. But yesterday was a nice day and we had lots of people come round and we all ended up doing reasonably well.  My new lines all went well so it have given me incentive  to turn more new lines. Photo of my stand attached. The show was at Wakehurst Place and it has lovely gardens and also had Birds of Prey flying demonstrations all over the weekend which I know Mrs B would have liked to see. Unfortunately when I got home last night, My cars interior light refused to swicth off, Despite trying all I could, The only way was to disconect the battery as I knew if I didnt, I would end up with a flat battery this morning. Just what I didnt need last night. But it seems to have resolved the problem this morning luckily.

    Hope work was not too hard yesterday. Bet you wish you could have been in the garden though. Our strawberry plants have suudenly started blooming this morning.  Must have been the rain we had on Sunday and the the sun yesterday. It was nice driving to the show yesterday as the bluebells are all growing alonside the country roads and also the Primroses. And in the wood the Wood Anenomie are also blooming and the trees are all sprouting new leaves. I do love seeing wild flowers, one of the best things about this time of year. It a time of regeneration in a way.

    Hope your visit to your mother goes well and she is in comminicative mode. Very windy here this morning in Sussex and it has blown a lot of blosom off of the cherry tree we have in the front garden.

    Anyway, take care, have a peacefull day and will chat again soon I hope, Brian

    [[ ]]

    Brother in law has from somewhere picked up the same bug me and Mrs B had and has been sick with violent back door trotts as she put it. Sister in law was at first concerned it was caused by his cancer but when I told her it was just like what me and Mrs B had, this calmed her worries. My grandaughter did well for the Sussex team and they beat Hampshire in the junior archery event.