Stay strong


Thank you BoobeR you’ve been a star

But time has come for you to come apart

From me, as you are full of a curse

And I just can’t risk it getting worse


BoobeL will miss you for the cleavage you gave

Some dresses I’ll wear, some I’ll save

Until I have the confidence to wear them again

Once scars have healed and I’m no longer in pain


But I’m grateful for my boobs providing the feed

To my two babies when they were small and in need

All of the medics says Breast is best

That was fine then but now I’ve been put to a test


Cancer is no mean feat to be reckoned

We must conquer it so to its call we’re not beckoned

So check yourselves, stand strong and tall

And together this illness won’t defeat us all



  • Hi J,

    I just came across your post and wanted to thank you for sharing your poem with us. 

    I think you've captured the emotions of this diagnosis and journey so eloquently, as I'm sure many of our members who have been through this will agree.

    We're thinking of you J and wishing you all the best moving forward.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph, that's really kind of you.  I find it helps me deal with a situation to write my emotions, and help to start a new chapter as the hopefully healed person.  I really hope that in sharing it will help others to deal with the ordeals that cancer throws at us.
