What to do with belongings?

My mum passed away less than two weeks ago, she was a good shopper and has alot of clothes some of which are unworn and with tags. 

My dad doesn't know what to do with them all and doesn't want them going to waste but doesn't want the hassle of selling items. 

Ive said to dad that there's no rush and we will sort them in time however does anyone have any ideas other than the obvious charity shops (which some items will go to) ?

Im going to get my children to pick out a few memorable items and get bears made from them 



  • Hello Mrjackson90.  Sorry for uour loss.  When my mum died I kept a few mementos and I asked family members if they wanted anything, and the rest I gave to charity, because I know that's what my mum would have wanted.  Vio;et, x

  • Hi. Am sorry for your loss. Yes, best not to rush as don't want to regret clearing anything. Funny what one can suddenly want a bit later. Feelings will still be very raw.

    However, there will be stuff with no sentimental value attached that feels like clutter. Things I have done to pass things on include the following

    1. higher-value items have been given to family or gone to auction (on-line or an auction house).  People could arrange this on your father's behalf so he doesn't have the hassle of selling them.

    2. local charities have come to house to collect things (given size of donation), but it does take time to sort and can be emotionally challenging

    3. I have taken items to community swap-shop

    4. I have put items outside on drive near property entrance with sign saying "free to take" – books can warp in sun so over-cast day without rain is sometimes best depending on what you are putting out

    5. recyling – not just council facility but in our area there is facility that people can use to purchase things like fabric and other off-cuts at low price (helpful for craft groups, schools etc)

    6. I have also been given items by family members, asked to sell them and keep some profit (to benefit my children) but give some back (so donations could be made to local groups in name of person who had died). I found this completely exhausting but did it in order to help with process of "letting things go"

    It is very helpful to younger members of a family to have some items, eg kitchen items if there is far too much for your dad to ever use and I have been very grateful for things passed on to me that way over the years. x



  • Sometimes a throw (quilt) is made from clothes as can be used loads of places including bed cover or settee or even car seat covers. 

    Hope plenty of others give you ideas. 
