Melanoma & Critical illness policy claim


I was recently diagnosed with a stage 1a skin malignant  melanoma of 0.3mm.  I have a critical illness policy which says it will cover malignant melanoma but only if it's invaded 'beyond the epidermis'. Does anyone know what this really means in relation to the various staging levels or anyone had a successful pay out on such a policy for a stage 1a case?


Thanks in advance. 

  • Thank you! I will give it a go x

  • Hi @Kirstyke, we contacted Zurich by telephone and they weren't able to say what stage they would cover but repeated the melanoma shouls have invaded beyond epidermis. It made me think its probably too thin or early to meet criteria.


    The breslow depth is 0.6mm and 1B due to the ulceration, still waiting on other appointments now 17th May groin ultrasound and 30th May plastic surgeon. Have you had any good feedback about your claim?   I've researched alot online and looks like a mixed bag really some getting approved in full for 1a onwards and others not.  I wish you luck with your claim. 

  • How did you get on? Were the lymph nodes clear? Just been diagnosed...

  • Hi just stumbled across your replies, 

    I am currently putting through a claim with Canada life as my melanoma was malignant and Clark level 2 which invaded beyond the epidermis into the papillary dermis. Just wondering what stage yours was? And was your claim successful?

  • Hello Melpem and welcome to the forum.

    I just wanted to make a quick post as I noticed you were hoping to hear back from Ragirl.

    Unfortunately this discussion hasn't been active in over a year and Ragirl hasn't been back on the forum since then, so there's a chance you may not get a reply.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if you don't get a response, it may be easier to start a new discussion about this instead.

    I hope your claim is successful and all goes well with your treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator