Post radiation therapy tiredness

I finished radiation treatment this week for breast cancer and feeling extremely tired and fatigued and my fitness level is nil I'm wondering how long this will last for as I'm keen to get back to normal or the new normal and go back to work at some point  I feel so guilty for lying around in my dressing gown watching tv all day  I'm drinking plenty of water and focused on high energy healthy foods but just can't get going the doctor advised me the tiredness would get worse after treatment  but I didn't really think it'd affect me like it has done ,


  • I’m starting radiotherapy this week. To be honest I’m so scared that I won’t be in control of my life. Please can you give me any advice about how to get through it? 

    Did you suffer any burns? 

    I am having bad dreams about it.

    i hope that you soon start to feel stronger. In a few weeks the days will get brighter. Perhaps you could take a gentle walk around a pretty garden, look at the daffodils popping their little heads through the soil, and you will know that the treatment is worth it and that you will get stronger each day. Good luck. Be strong. Xxx

  • Hello,

    you have to patient, the fatigue from rads is out of this world and hit me like a ton of bricks. I had 23 sessions in total...but I also had effects from chemo so probably had double bubble...

    The only thing I can say ( as nuts as it sounds) is drag yourself out for a short walk...and I mean short. I made myself walk to the end of our road ( literally 5 mins) everyday, yes it was difficult but when I got back and flopped on the sofa I was always so pleased I had at least managed will help mentally too....

    The fatigue does lift but for me it took a rads finished in the summer and I'm only just feeling ok...but it still hits out the blue....

    good luck ️

  • Hi thanks for a reply , the radiation was a lot easier than what I thought apart from going every day for 3 weeks that was tiresome on it's own the actual treatment is very straight forward and I didn't feel any tiredness until the last week i finished on Tuesday and they told me to expect the tiredness to get worse over the next 7-10days and they was absolutely right I feel drained and exhausted although sleeping Really well at night and having a nap in the afternoon yesterday I did drag myself of to my Pilates class 1st one since Christmas and today I'm going for a walk but boy it does take it out of ya my skin is pink in colour and I'm applying lots of E45 as recommended by the medical team but this week I've had a skin breakdown like a little weepy burn under the breast and was a little painful so I'm braless for comfort and told it's all normal after treatment is finished and I've been given flamazine cream to use on this area only it seems to be working I just want to get my life back on track as I was before the diagnosis although I now have new routines and making some lifestyle changes with diet etc I suppose I might not be the same old me probably be the new normal me as they say .

    wshing you well for your treatment 

    best wishes marie .

  • I'm about to start a week on Tuesday and I don't really thin I've been prepared. My doctor told me I'd get a bit of tiredness but dont worry it's mild in comparison to chemo. So glad to read a bit of honesty. 

    Hope you're feeling well again soon x

  • Hi New Normal Me

    I have no doubt that you will get your life back on track very soon. You did well to get to Pilates and obviously have a very positive attitude to getting back to your old self.

    I’m not sure that life is ever quite the same again. My attitudes have changed since diagnoses. 

    I hope that your pinkish ness goes away quickly and that you will be enjoying the freedom from not going to radiotherapy every day

    Good luck with your recovery. I wish you well. It’s so comforting to be able to messsage ladies like you because I felt very adrift before I contacted ladies on this forum.

    thank you. X

  • Good luck on Tuesday  Lila.

    I start on Wednesday. I would like to keep in touch with you. 

    Will be thinking of you. 


  • thanks Lila and wishing you the best for your treatment I'm sure you'll be fine the time does go quickly I'm here if you need advice or just to chat .

    marie x

  • Hey Marie

    good to hear you doing welll, I too am still suffering with the fatigue .... all kicked in hard after the last two boosters.  My breast is like sandpaper but still applying the cream.  They told me 7-10 days would feel the worst with the tiredness.  Overall can't complain but at work tomorrow but not sure I'm going to stay awake lol

    Big hugs

    JBee xx