i’m struggling to fill in the pip form for my other half for a number of reasons, he was only diagnosed with chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia in March so he doesn’t really have any evidence to support his claim, and he has never been diagnosed officially with any neurodiversity which I think is the main reason people in the past kept saying to him he needs to claim Pip, and we do not really know any of the consultants yet, although I have my doubts, whether any of them will be of any help anyway.
I feel like everything that I have written so far it’s just my opinions Particularly those relating to his behaviour, and it is somewhat coming over like a character assassination.
we are still finding out more about the treatments that he is receiving and the effects I have on you. And he has almost finished his second round of chemo.I am concerned that he is not telling me everything that he’s going on with him physically. And I actually think he’s probably more sick than he’s admitting or he doesn’t recognise the fact that he is, I think he’s worried about stressing me. Big joke is that it is stressing me out that I don’t know.
I know for a fact that he’s not asking the medical staff at the hospital the appropriate questions he doesn’t seem to understand that nurses can’t give you the test results they don’t have that information and it has been impossible for him to get hold of any doctors in the haematology day unit.and I have been unable to attend with him this time, although actually really it was really quite useless me going last time as I was not allowed to go into the treatment room as I am not the patient and have not been swabbed. I am in the difficult situation that because he’s so childlike he needs an adult with him but they are taking advantage of the fact that he is on his own, because he’s not asking questions and they don’t need to answer anything or tell him anything which must speed everything up a lot.
i’m running out of time to return the PIP form completed and only have a few days left. I just feel like I’m bashing my head against the wall.