recent diagnosis

my husband has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer.  we have several holidays booked but do have travel insurance.

does anyone know if we could still get travel insurance again in the future or is there a time limit before we can be accepted for travel insurance

  • Hi Beserker and welcome, sorry to hear your husband has prostate cancer. As i don't know your prognosis or treatment i can't be specific. Iy as it seem you like holidays, you can get worldwide annual travel insurance with, INSURE AND GO or INSURANCE WITH, if you holiday in Europe only STAYSURE do a Europe only policy. A couple of tips if your husband is having radiotherapy, if you can wait until it is completed your premium will be much lower and if you can talk to someone instead of doing it online, 


  • thanks for your  reply very helpful. Its not about holidays we have a daughter and grand.

    children  living and working abroad and so like to see them as much as possible.

    we will know better next week what treatment plans he will be offered and obviously a better time line.

    thanks again B.

  • Hi  Beserker, I hope it may help, I also have prostate cancer and if i can help in any way just ask. best wishes for next week.
