My Husband has been diagnosed with Grade 3, T1, N3 squamous cell carcinoma of penis. We are looking to obtain Travel Insurance, I have tried a couple of sites however have been turned down. Can anyone recommend any sites that I can try ??
My Husband has been diagnosed with Grade 3, T1, N3 squamous cell carcinoma of penis. We are looking to obtain Travel Insurance, I have tried a couple of sites however have been turned down. Can anyone recommend any sites that I can try ??
Hi berbaget,
Welcome to Cancer Chat. We have some guidance on getting travel insurance on our website, in case this is helpful.
It would also be worth searching this forum (using the search bar at the top of the page) for other relevant discussions on here, as this is a topic that comes up fairly frequently, so you should hopefully be able to get some good advice.
Wishing you all the best,
Cancer Chat Moderator
Hi, I know it’s a long time since you wrote this post and you’re probably all sorted now, but thought I’d reply anyway, only just read your post. I have stage 4 prostate cancer which has spread to various bones throughout my body. I’ve used when travelling abroad and had very reasonable quotes from them. It’s best to phone them as they’ll ask questions directly relating to your cancer. Hope this is of help and hope you managed to travel abroad.
Best wishes, Dave.