Are we entitled to any benefits or any other help?

Hi, My husband has metastatic prostate cancer. He has had his prostate has been removed as well as most of him lymph nodes. He can not now get an erection because of this. He has had radio therapy and is now on 3 monthly injections and enzalutamide. The tablets have changed him completely and he now has a really bad memory, he lacks enthusiasm to do anything at all.. and falls asleep at the drop of a hat.. I have to remember everything for him and remind him about stuff all the time. With this in mind are we entitled to any help financially or otherwise. He is 61 and I am 51.

  • Hi he should try for pip, and you both try for attendance allowance, have a word with carers first for help with things or macmillan Cancer care. 

    I've got prostate cancer gone to lymph node's pelvis spine ribs and lung. Was diagnosed feb 2016, living with my uninvited guest.  should get energy back slowly although not easily he'llhavetopushhimself .i had enzalutamide for years and lacked energy always and very tired i was told to stop it and my energy levels increased but went back on to keep cancer down. 

    My original psa was 1581 stage 4 gleason 8 T3b N1 M1b  .

    Im a carer for my wife she has alzimers and parkinsons plus other problems. 


    Remember he is now classed as disabled.