Pip information

Please can anyone give me advice, I had malignant melanoma which was successfully removed 7 years ago, but I do have to have yearly checks at the dermatology dept in hospital as I have a large amount of moles, I also have to self check monthly and the usual avoid the sun. I am in receipt of disability pip for another reason but initially when I applied I mention the melanoma but it was kind of dismissed and not put on my pip record, on reading things on the Internet should I inform pip that I have had it and have been told there is a high chance it will reoccur and I have annual checks? 
where is was removed on my back along the left mid area it does on occasions fell pinchy when I reach up. Is it classed as a disability? 

  • Hi  anyone who has or had cancer is classed as disabled  .and from my thinking you should get things put on paperwork so no argument at a later stage. 

    Hope others will give you more help and information. 


  • In general, the melanoma as you describe would not, I think, be classed as a disability. However, it may be relevant to add it to your PIP record because you are in receipt of disability PIP for another reason.

    Just feeling a bit pinchy when you reach up wouldn't count for PIP. But, if your existing PIP disability was a mental health issue (being exacerbated by the melanoma issue) such that the melanoma was increasing a mental health need it might be relevant. Or if you could not do the check because of some other physical disabiltiy without paying for support...

    Be aware that sometimes adding information to a PIP can cause it to be reviewed and, in today's stingy environment, sometimes reduced. Horrid to have to say that. But I have seen cases where this has happened.

    If it were me, I'd mention an early stage melanoma treated solely with surgery only if PIP came up for review – unless it was having far greater impact than just a bit pinchy and a monthly check.

    I'm not claiming cancer PIP, but have relatives who have claimed and are in receipt of PIP.

    I also have relatives with cancer not in receipt of PIP (including where cancer was at an advanced stage (spread to multiple lymph nodes) but successfully treated several years ago).

  • Thank you the pip I'm in receipt for is not mental health it's physical such as osteoarthritis in the foot, I wear a knee brace to support an off entered knee cap that locks and I have an inoperable labral hip tear. So enough to be mentally getting on with at the mo and the constant pain fro that. I just realised that as the woman who initially I saw dismissed the melanoma and speaking to someone in the CAB in which they said it should be on my record especially as I am still having annual checks. 
    I will compose a letter and send in all related relevant documents for my records. 
    thank you all

  • If you are doing that, then it would be appropriate to mention any anxiety this were causing you in addition to physical disability and pain. It is good you have spoken to CAB.