Throat cancer

I am 6 weeks post radiotherapy for throat cancer. I don't know where to turn taking the ensures but I'm always sick, cannot take anything orally yet. The pain in my mouth and throat and the ulcers are quite unbearable and after I've been sick it's just burning. I wonder when there's gonna be a respite. I've stayed very positive especially for my family. I'm a 64 year old woman never suffered with depression but sometimes I'm not sure I can go on with this. Thankyou for listening 

kindest regards Debbie 

  • How was you dignose if you don't mind me asking x

  • Hi I had a lump in my collarbone hole fircsbout 6 weeks nothing ruse. We were in Spain on holiday on our return went to g p he immediately put me on 14 day cancer pathway. I had a fine needle biopsy results a week later showed squamous cancer cells. Had a ct scsn with contrast thrn m r j. Following week a general anaesthetic on tonsil   Results confirmed by oncologist as h p v 16 + orapharangeal cancer. My blog give more info www. 


  • Hi do you think anything would be missed after I've had all theses test. My main worry right now is my right side of my neck is painful when I turn my head. What should I do?

    kim x

  • Hi Kim. Sorry  I can’t comment  in medical advise. I would say if you’ve been seen by e n t and had scans the consultants know. I never ever personally had any neck pain. You don’t say how old you are tonsillae Cancer is very rare in females the year I was diagnosed onky 50 cases approx in the U.K. .

    maybe contact your g p. In these covid times a lot of people are feeling anxious.

    Good luck Hazel 

  • Hi, I'm only 19 I'm just freaking out right now. Part of me knows I should listen to them but do you think the camera up the nose and down the throat is a good piece of equipment to dignose something like that. 
    thank you for replying really appreciate it.

    kim x

  • Hi at 19 it's highly unlikely that you will have throat cancer. Yes the scope is the best way in my experience of diagnosing my type if cancer. In fact it's the only way they check for any reoccurrence si have a scope at every check up . you've had the scans you've had the scope  maybe you need a visit to g p to see if there's anything they can give you for anxiety issues . Try to life your life and stop worrying about the what ifs  throat cancer takes either 30-40 years in my case if exposure to the h p v virus or years of smoking and drinking . At 19 you won't have had any of those  Hazel x


  • Hi Hazel thank you for your reply. I do have really bad health anxiety just don't know if this could be causing my symptoms. Did you ever experience ear pain?

    kim x

  • Hi Kim  no ear pain ni sore throat no cough no issues swallowing or drinking. For 61 I was very fit had judt cycled 1100 km. The lump in my collarbone was my only sign. Maybe your health anxiety is manifesting because of COVID . You've had scans etc keep off Dr Google as my oncologist said to me you can self  diagnose anything online,so keep off it please. 