Radiotherapy after Tonsil Cancer and Neck Dissection

Hi Everyone,

Can anyone give me advice on what to expect when having Radiotherapy please..?

I have just had a Cancer tumour removed from my right Tonsil and a right side Neck Dissection to remove a 3cm cancerous Lymph node. Any help will be great thank you...


  • A good day, thanks for asking.


    It's a HPV positive tumour - which means surgeon thinks my chances are 85-90% at one year.  I'm really relieved.  Having a gin and tonic - first drink for nearly a fortnight.  


    I've got a tough run through to Xmas though - surgery on the 18th provisionally, then a few days in hospital and recovering at home until fit for six weeks of chemo/radio. 

    Asked if I want to participate in the PATHOS study which is a complicating feature. Basically a random allocation to three groups, one of which has no chemo and one has a reduced level of radio.  Not sure about this yet.

  • Good luck to all of you with your treatment.

    I found it, the treatment, to be the least frightening part of having cancer. It actually gave you something to focus on in your efforts to get better. The most frightening part for me was the run up to the diagnosis, the not knowing, and then the whole world being turned upside down. But hopefully you're past the worst of that now.

    The more you learn about the disease, the less it seems like a bogeyman. And when you get through your treatment, which you will, you will have achieved something you probably thought too horrifying to imagine in the blissfully ignorant days before cancer ever knocked on your door. Over time, you will come out of it with a much more mature and profound understanding of life - and a new sense of what is important in life.

    For situational reasons, I was treated by removing first the left tonsil, then on identifying a separate non-metastatic cancer 9 months later, the right, each with a precautionary neck dissection, which both turned out to be clear. With clear margins and a clear neck dissection, I avoided chemo & radio therapy twice.

    My consultant says I was exceptionally lucky to identify tonsil cancer while at Stage1 not just once but twice: the sword of Damocles still swings above me, but in reality it swings above everyone's head. It's just that most people don't know it's there!

    I was 49 at the start of it all. HPV positive.

    2.5 years since 2nd operation.
    2.5 to go.

    Bon courage!

  • Hi James,

    It's good to hear your in a slightly more positive place with your treatment and you know where all here if you need us..

  • I forgot to mention a piece of advice I was given that I found resonated with me and was very useful.  

    Take it one day at a time, in your own way.

    Bon courage.

  • Hello everyone I have just received my appointments for MRI scan and then a biopsy. My MRI scan is on Monday 11.10.20/21. Then Tuesday 12.10.20/21 I have to have a PCR test. This then follows on Friday 15.10.20/21 with my biopsy. The problem is I have a temperature and do not feel very well. In my line of work because I work with vulnerable adults I have to take a lateral flow test every Monday morning and then Thursdays I take both tests the later flow and the PCR. I took the lateral flow this morning and it said negative. I took my own temperature and it was 48.8 very high. I am frustrated that because of my high temperature I will not be able to have my MRI or my biopsy. This then Will delay my appointments. Good luck to all of you kind regards Fooman 

  • I hope it all falls into place as soon as possible. The delays and setbacks can feel worrying and frustrating.

    I know due to Covid, you probably won't have seen many other patients in the waiting rooms for your appointments, cancer patients are always on a particular day, but I drew strength from the incredible composure and dignity they all showed, people at all stages of the disease and at all stages of their treatment.

    Wishing you much fortitude.


  • Hello Umit thank you for your message, I am resting at the moment as I have just tested positive  for Covid 19. This is frustrating as I was to start all my tests this week. However I am eating well and I am going to be patient and stay focused. Kind regards Fooman 

  • Sorry to hear that.

    But I'm glad to hear that you're staying patient & focused.

    One day at a time. In your own way.

  • Hope you have recovered well from Covid and that you can get your scans & tests done soon.



  • Hello Umit yes I have recovered from COVID and all my family have as well. I had to cancel all my tests and this caused me some frastration. Anyway I am back on track and feel very well. Cancer is a strange disease very sneaky. I have had my MRI scan and my PEC scan as well. I have my fine needle biopsy tomoz. I have been carrying  on as normal but I have had trouble completing my paper work at work. I have found that your mind plays tricks on you, but I am not going to aces google Doctor any more. I have really scared myself. I am by nature a laid back person and in my job you need patience and this I do have. I have been told that I have Clinically Tonsillar Carcinoma with metastatic nodes in my left neck. So I am waiting for the likely diagnosis. I am very frieghtened about this but what can I do? I will fight and I am going to keep positive, the funny thing is that I feel very good fit and strong. I am a bit annoyed because at the moment I can not run ‍♀️ I really over did my trying 11 weeks ago and so I just walk which I enjoy. I hope you are fit well and happy Umit all the best Fooman.

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