Just diagnosed with NPC cancer - has anyone else had this?

If there is anyone on the board who has gone thru this I would really appreciate hearing from you. Regards Ian.

  • Hi Ian,

    Thank you. No news yet unfortunately. I feel like I've been to hell and back these last two weeks.

    I phoned my consultant's secretary yesterday to try and find out when I would be contacted. I was already nervous phoning and she couldn't have been more rude if she tried. Initially, by answering the phone saying 'hello' which caught me off guard and it just went downhill from there. I can't justify that type of attitude even in the current circumstances. The end of the conversation went like this "your results are in his basket so he'll phone you on Wednesday ok bye" then hung up.

    Have you had any news about an appointment for your surgery/biopsy yet?

    Best wishes 


  • So sorry to hear that. No compassion at all. Don't upset yourself any more. Just wish for the best news and find out how to fix your problem. I don't have a schedule yet which is playing with my mind and health. I hate being in pain. I'm sure I will get an answer this week. Take care Deborah. Chat soon.

  • Yeah I didn't dwell on it as it's pointless as you say.

    I hope your not waiting too much longer now. Being in pain and in limbo for a way forward is a hard place to find yourself in just now.

    Keep me posted.

    Take care.

  • Thanks so much Deborah. Being in limbo is worse as you know. Just look forward to speaking with your Dr. take care and chat soon. Sweet dreams. Regards Ian.

  • Good morning Deborah how are you. Any news. I got a call from the hospital yesterday and I will go to hospital next Monday. Good news. I will have corona virus checks and ct before they confirm the surgery day. You hang tough Deborah and thanks for your support. Regards Ian.

  • Good morning Deborah how are you feeling. What's the latest. I had the operation to clean the dead tissue from behind my nose in order to find some healthy tissue to get a biopsy done. I get the results next Thursday the 4th of June. Trust your ok buddy.

  • Hello can I join this post? I'm Lynn, 46 and finished treatment for NPC in Feb. Please do ask if you have any questions, I'm happy to help (we are few and far between, there isn't many of us!)

  • So glad you joined Lynn as I'm nervous about the skull base surgery. What stage was your cancer. Surgery is more common because of the cancer location behind the nose rather than radiotherapy. How are you feeling following your treatment Lynn. So happy for you to share Lynn. Regards Ian. 

  • Lynn any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • I was diagnosed Stage 4 with localised spreading (no distant spreading or lymph nodes included) No surgery as no clear margins. Mine grew upwards into nasal cavity, eye orbit and skull base.

    I had 6 rounds of Cisplatin and Eptopiside followed by 33 radiotherapy treatments, higher than tolerance in some areas 

    I finished treatment at the end of January and it's been a rough slog, still very unwell but slowly getting there. Are you in the UK? I ask this question because radiotherapy would always be the treatment of choice so I'm told.  My consultant always said it would be the thing that would affect my tumour the most.

    Andvit certainly did. My first clear scan after the 3 month post  treatment wait was clear!


    Any questions ask away!