Chemo and sore throat

I've just had my 3rd round on FEC. Chemo for breast cancer and Day 5 my dry mouth and sore throat have got worse. Croaky throat. Waking me in the night so I phoned the Onco nurses. My temperature is low so am not suffering with fever which I believe is sign of the Ovid19. Just mouthwashes, honey, salt rinses. Hope it doesn't get worse. Well this will stop me talking to my girlfriends on the phone! 
Silver x 



  • My heart goes out to you. I couldn't imagine going through chemo AND the looming virus! I'm reading so many places are cancelling chemo.

    If it helps my mouth and throat got worse with each cycle, but I can imagine your mind jumping to all sorts of conclusions ...

    stay safe x

  • Thank you, I've only had a sore mouth on 3rd week. I suppose side effects appear at different times. This Virus has put added stress on it all. 
    Silver x 



    Hi Silverdays,

    Sorry to hear about the sore throat. All advice I have read about the Coronavirus suggests drinking hot drinks instead of cold, as the virus doesn't like heat. The more you drink the better. This can be anything from tea, coffee, soft drinks or hot water.

    I hope that you can stay well clear of the virus, on top of all you are going through.

    You are getting through your chemo, so don't give up now.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx