Looks like Stage 4 now

Hi All,

Having had a stage 4 scare on Christmas Eve that was thankfully nothing, I found a lump last night.

Had an appointment already set up with my oncologist today and he was happy the lump wasn't anything, but he examined me further and found a lump in my neck that he's really not happy about.  He did say there's the tiniest chance a biopsy will come back non-cancerous but as far as he's concerned he's now planning ahead on the assumption it's cancerous and, therefore, stage 4.

Have told my husband and family.  All a bit difficult as in some ways it changes very little, although it will mean more chemotherapy.  Who knows what I do about work!!!!

I'm sure the hits have to stop at some point :D


  • Dear LJ,

    It does not cease to amaze me how positive and upbeat you are. I am waiting for tests to see if I have BC and that is scary enough for me but your posts are always full of hope and always make me hopeful. 

    A truly wonderful lady xx

  • Very true Davek, and I really should stick to proper convention.  With my type of cancer stage 4 did used to mean incurable, just not necessarily now, although they haven't expected a cure for me at any point.

    And of cours, it all depends on what huge medical breakthroughs they make. I still work my husband's brain for possible cures.

    Having a good New Year regardless, it's just so nice to be back at work.  I told them the news today and they still want me, even if I do end up with long-term chemo every three weeks.  So I'm happy with that.

    Hope you had a good festive period.


  • Thanks everyone,

    Like you say [@Magpiemaggie]‍  some breast cancers are very much in the treatable boat now, kind of like HIV in a way, back in the 80s you'd never have thought folk could live with it like they can today.  Mine has been throwing so many curveballs I try not to think too long-term as there hasn't been one positive bit of news since it was discovered, but I know I can still be around for a good while.

    I realise I tend to be a bit positive, hopefully not annoyingly so although I realise it might bug some people (sorry).  It's only because I lost so much of my life to severe depression, up until my early 30s I had a good life in many ways but I had no desire to live.  With the depression now really under control, and having rebuilt a good life, even with the cancer my life is comparitively very good and I am appreciating it while it stays that way.  Hopefully the depression won't ever win again, I keep working on it so it doesn't.

    [@Scruff]‍ Honestly no post is insignificant.  While cancer is hideous, so are many things, just in different ways.

    [@Annieliz]‍ This place has had a bit part in helping me cope with it.  Having read stuff from people like [@Chriss]‍ and [@Cornishpastie]‍  very early on really made a difference.  And it definitely helps being able to do the same for others.

    Cheers all, I am hoping there's some weird red herring thing going on, I've even come up with a possible red herring situation, but who knows.  Hopefully find out soon enough.


  • AGain I am amazed. I will keep following you as you are an inspiration and make this cancer thing look running scared. It can be beaten!!! X 

  • I understand where you’re coming from with regards depression and can see now why you’re so positive in relation to the cancer.  I’ve got everything crossed good news will come to you soon - if anyone  deserve a break its you.


  • No worries - we had a good Christmas and New Year overall everything went to plan with no flareups or other symptomatic changed in either of us. 

    Happy New Year - I hope your return to work goes smoothly :-)



  • Dear Twintwo,

    Please can you tell/teach me how you manage to be so positive??  I love reading your posts and find it so humbling but I do have trouble managing the positivity part myself and really struggle. 

  • Hi chelbel ...

    Just want you to know, and I'm pretty sure I talk for @Twin2 as well ... we've all had times of not coping ... times when we want to just cry ... and get scared for results ...there are many on here, all standing up to cancer ... but we also know how hard it is for those new ones ...

    This journey right from the start is not about just being brave ... it's about feeling scared and having those feelings, but then getting back in the ring, to take it on ... the scariest bit is where you are now... waiting .. and the strongest of us, still look back and know how those days were ...

    I've still got everything crossed your results will be kind to you ... wer no different from you ... we just won't let cancer take away our spirit ... because that's what it wants to do ... you are braver then you realise ... and you will have lots of support on here ... Chrissie xx

  • It gives me hope when I hear people fighting and still fighting many months or years after diagnosis as I think cancer then my funeral (sorry if that’s negative). But I can’t help thinking how I will cope with the waiting. If it’s bad then I know there will be more anxiety whilst waiting for type, grade, treatment, etc.

    how on earth do people cope??? 

  • Thanks Davek,

    It's a bit of a bummer when simple 'stability' is our goal, but yeah, glad you were both stable over Christmas and New Year.

    It's great being back geeking out over planes :D  But I'm sure we'll have a good-old drone incident soon enough and that will change my mood!!!!!!