Radiotherapy for Throat Cancer

Hello all,

I have posted my little story on introduce yourself and basically I have been diagnosed with Stage 1 Throat cancer.

The prognosis is hopeful and I remain cheerful and positive. Its taken a while for the actual treatment to start so glad to get on with it at last.

I started my first day of radiotherpy today and have 29 more treatments to go over 6 week period.
I have made a little computer programme that logs my side effects and summarises episodes of each heading and I plan on keeping a daily log of how things went/ how I feel ( good and bad ) and map out my journey. I find it therapuetic.

I will share periodically in the hope that even if it helps one person as well as myself  it will be worthwhile.

So day 1 was fine and I dont really feel any difference or notice anything.
One small point is that the mask made was slightly harder than when it was first made as it has set little harder over the weeks and was a little more moveable on the day made.
Took about 10 mins for actual radiotherpay treatment itself.
Drove home fine.

Meet with advanced practioner nurse every Thurs to discuss progress.
Aware might be a little different along the way but all good after day 1.


kind regards



  • Hi Jane sorry for typos I was trying to get ready but wanted to reply. It’s an hard time especially without a feeding tube. He  can try swishing difflam mouthwash then spitting it out to numb his mouth befire swallow. Also soluble asprin agsin rinse and spit. There’s also oxceyycaine which id on prescription that numbs his mouth 15 mjns before trying to swallow . As for solid a poached egg was my first try. I’ll pop a link on to a head n nd k cook book might give some ideas. He is on painkillers I was on 30 mg co codomol and oramorph.


    this might help in a few weeks time. Think  high calorie like cream to add to homemade soups grated cheese . Surprisingly toast with lots of butter easier than bread. I coujd get 500 calories ftom a toasted fruit cake tea cake eith grated cheese on it. If he’s dry mouth at night xyimelts bought online are my saviour. 


  • Offline in reply to Jane.R

    Hi Jane, now and the next few weeks are deffo the  toughest. That calorie intake is  very low,  is there noticable weight loss? If so dont hesitate , get in touch touch with consultant/ dept or go to hospital and explain if this continues.  

    I was told,  any big weight loss I'd be intubated , the one thing I didn't  want. Forced down porridge  3 times a day , full fat yoghurt and eggs. Ice cream too.  Losing top much weight will prolong recovery so worse case getting the tube , but dont let him leave it too long. Good luck  

  • Hi Jane I can only back up what Hazel & TFS have said, calorie intake is vital you have to find a way, I had a bad period where I was losing too much weight food didn't taste good being the main cause for me, My turning point was when I bought some swimmers nose clips so I couldn't taste the high calorie drinks which were pretty disgusting but I had to get them inside me and it worked, I gradually sarted to gain weight and never looked back, hope this helps, Dave

  • Hi he's on oromorph 4 times a day two of 5ml and 2 of 2.5 ml and paracetamol.  He's lost a stone roughly since Dec. Also anti sickness medication and difflam for his mouth. 

    I've told him if he doesn't up the intake by Fri I will be calling his dietician. 

  • Hi Jane he can up

    the oramorph it seems he might not be on enough at my worst I was taking up to 40 mil a day speak to his cancer or Macmillian nurse or email them. He needs more pain relief I was taking 30

    mg cocodomol every 6 hours with oramorph inbetween as breakthrough pain relief. 
    xontact them in the mornjng 


  • Hi Hazel. 

    I got a lot of comfort from reading your posts on this site. You were 18 months ahead of me in terms of diagnosis/ treatment so congratulations on your 5 year sign off. It must seem weird not having to go  back.Are you planning ever having a body scan? I thought the NHS should do this when they sign you off but they dont do they? Enjoy your cycling in the sun.

    PS someone I know a little has just been diagnosed. I have recommended this site but there dont seem many fresh posts. Guess that's good in a way.

  • hi Sharon, no nobody scan  it was a hug a shake of the hand and a bye we’re here if you need it type of day on my last appointment which I’m fine about I know my own  body that if there’s anything wrong I’ll be in touch with them with the person you referred, will always answer some people when they come onto it I do quite a lot of people just contact me direct about private messages as well so if she wants to do that and yeah I’ll enjoy Cycling off soon 
     Hooe you’re ok as well ehere dies time fly to 

    Hazel. Ps I still can’t type. Xx

  • Yeah thanks Hazel.

    Doing really well. Have had continuity with oncologist and my lovely Macmillan nurses.  3.5 years on. I still have "symptoms" from radiotherapy. Strangulation feeling from scar tissue, jaw ache when sing ing certain songs in my choir, stiff neck more recently and tingly tongue! But I have learned that these sensations come and go and does not mean the return of cancer. I still worry that it may come back somewhere else in the body and it's only the head and neck we concentrate on but I am positive and upbeat and enjoying life. Going on a caribbean cruise with my son in a couple if days and still trying to learn Soanish( badly)

  • Hi I ditto re the Spanish. Around tge 3.5 year mark I developed burnj g tongue it went about 6 months shi touch wood not returned. Have a fab cruise ps I can’t sing not that I could before lol. 
    Hazel xx keep in touch