Radiotherapy for Throat Cancer

Hello all,

I have posted my little story on introduce yourself and basically I have been diagnosed with Stage 1 Throat cancer.

The prognosis is hopeful and I remain cheerful and positive. Its taken a while for the actual treatment to start so glad to get on with it at last.

I started my first day of radiotherpy today and have 29 more treatments to go over 6 week period.
I have made a little computer programme that logs my side effects and summarises episodes of each heading and I plan on keeping a daily log of how things went/ how I feel ( good and bad ) and map out my journey. I find it therapuetic.

I will share periodically in the hope that even if it helps one person as well as myself  it will be worthwhile.

So day 1 was fine and I dont really feel any difference or notice anything.
One small point is that the mask made was slightly harder than when it was first made as it has set little harder over the weeks and was a little more moveable on the day made.
Took about 10 mins for actual radiotherpay treatment itself.
Drove home fine.

Meet with advanced practioner nurse every Thurs to discuss progress.
Aware might be a little different along the way but all good after day 1.


kind regards



  • 9 weeks post therapy. Throat pain very slight.Have come off codeine.Don't know whether I'm having withdrawal symptom s, but I feel dreadful.Flu like,can't sleep and tummy upsets.

    Anything I eat or drink is becoming more tasteless. Don't look forwArd to meals at all.

    Constant sticky saliva and occasional dry mouth. At this moment I feel like I've gone backwzrds.So fed up of not feeling well !

  • Hi  9 weeks post treatment might seem like a lifetime in reality it's really early days for you quite often you have bad day is nore got days and eventually turned round and have a good days and bad days. Just keep up the nutrition I was in 2000 to 2500 cal each, and every day un'p ti  3 L of water. Remember it's a marathon not a Sprint. I know I keep popping on about it but it's a case of been there done that got the T-shirt.the 3 month mark is a milestone thrn 6 month mark a big turning point. Cancer treatment is brutal at best of times when your mouth and throat it's one if the worst But read my blog there light at end if tubbel

    You may be having withdrawal symptoms I took many weeks ti slowly reduce mine. 
    Hazel x

  • Anyone on soluble  codeine and paracetamol?

    How long have you been taking them for ?

  • Hi I was in both was around 3 month when I weaned off the fi codomol and a few weeks after the paracetamol. If yours in pain do a phased withdrawal. Change the 30 mg to 15 mg  a period of time one tablet a time to 15 mg the same to 8 mg. 
    hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel, thanks for your reply.

    I was prescribed 20 ml of Codeine and 1000 mg of paracetamol, both four times a day..

    I was  gradually weaning myself off the soluble codeine . From 80ml a day to 30no . I then accelerated the timing and stopped taking any. I think I came off the drug too quick, because I've experienced headaches, diarrhea, nausea, aching limbs and incredible fatigue, all of which are recognised symptom of Codeine withdrawal.!

    The thing is you don't know how long you're supposed to be on these medications for.

    In my case it's been over 3 months. The pain in my throat has subsided to a point where I thought I could readily come off Codeine, conscious of the fact that this drug is an opiate to which long term use could lead to a dependence/addiction.

  • Hi speak to your cancer nurse ir Macmillian nurse if yiure still in pains or try 8 mg cocodomol for a few weeks.  There no right or wrong time I know people who were in opitates 6 mjnths ir more did phases withdrawals with. Imi

    lastung side effects.  Uts the accelerated withdrawal that causes issues. 
    Hazel x

  • Hi to Hazel, Ian , Dave and all others , best wishes for the ongoing journey. Had my latest scan, all good, hoping only 2  to go. All the best .

  • H I Graeme  fab news I've one more ent appointment June-July time then I'm done. How time has flown by. We're off to muricia early March was going to give apartment up but have extended Ed lease. One life live it. Great to hear from yiu. Just look how far we've all come since those early days. Onwards and uowards hiws Ismelda. So still can't type. 
    hugs Hazel xx

  • Hiya Graeme great news I get checked in a couple of weeks, It might even be my last checkup Im not sure yet? In my 5th year so I think so.


    Take care all X 

  • Hi Dave. My 5 years is U.K. on anniversary of last treatment's so 31 august for me is 5 yesrs last ent is June July. At least Man U playing better let's see if we get a trophy. Hope you're well and still travelling. 
    hugs Hazel xx