Radiotherapy for Throat Cancer

Hello all,

I have posted my little story on introduce yourself and basically I have been diagnosed with Stage 1 Throat cancer.

The prognosis is hopeful and I remain cheerful and positive. Its taken a while for the actual treatment to start so glad to get on with it at last.

I started my first day of radiotherpy today and have 29 more treatments to go over 6 week period.
I have made a little computer programme that logs my side effects and summarises episodes of each heading and I plan on keeping a daily log of how things went/ how I feel ( good and bad ) and map out my journey. I find it therapuetic.

I will share periodically in the hope that even if it helps one person as well as myself  it will be worthwhile.

So day 1 was fine and I dont really feel any difference or notice anything.
One small point is that the mask made was slightly harder than when it was first made as it has set little harder over the weeks and was a little more moveable on the day made.
Took about 10 mins for actual radiotherpay treatment itself.
Drove home fine.

Meet with advanced practioner nurse every Thurs to discuss progress.
Aware might be a little different along the way but all good after day 1.


kind regards



  • My hubby was prescribed morphine as a just incase he needs it!  Never needed to tho.

    Hope you can get some relief soon 


  • Hi Matt don't be silly there's no prizes for avoiding a feeding tube. If yiu need it yiu need it imagine the next few months no food very little nutrition or hydration you will end up hospitalised Nevee mind recovery that phase I can be just as hard as treatment  as once yiuve had yiur last radiotherapy it continues to work for many weeks read some of the threat in here .Please be sensible .Aw for mouth issues ask for gelclair it may help . But ti be honest radiation virus are just that burns they burn the cancer away and although the planningbtrys to avoid damaging new tissue it can't be helped healthy tissue gets radiated. 
    morphine is readily issue single form of oramorph tomstart with inwas in 40 mil a day at my worst many have fentynal patch's as well. We don't get hooked as long as a phased withdrawal is done when time to finish. 

    Hazel x

  • I'm in the hospital now as it happens. I've just had a word with the dietician. She's very concerned. She asked me for the pain on a 0-10 scale. 10. Its without doubt the worst pain I've ever felt, and I've had a brain haemorrhage. They're prescribing something that works like morphene but isn't morphene. It's hard to concentrate to be honest. She suspects a possible infection so prescribed antibiotics as well. She's very nice and understanding. All I'm doing is a series of nods and shakes. Thank you again for your reply

  • Hi Matt no worries get them to check for oral thrush as well that's painful on top of everythjng else. You'll need Flucozonole for that hooe yiu get sorted 

    Hazel x

  • Hi All,

    My last radio session was 3 weeks ago tomorrow. It has been a tough 3 weeks but I'm starting to feel a bit better in myself. 
    Starting to eat soggy cereal again... weetabix, porridge etc and trying some soups.

    I had large open wounds on the neck that have now mostly healed and everything mentioned here and by the Hospital inside the mouth. The mucusitis is mostly gone and swallowing is starting to get easier but my taste buds are still completely shot so apart from cardboard tasting cereal I can't stomach much else. I'm still having Scandi shakes and Fortisip.

    I was overweight but have lost just over 3 stone since diagnosis (2 st since treatment started) in March. Back to see the dietitian tomorrow. I'm happy with the weight loss and would love to stay where I am now but do recognise I need to stabilise it now.

    Ian, I re-read your posts this morning from the end of weeks 3-6 which were helpful. I seem on a similar track although I ended up fortunately needing very little in the way of pain relief. I was having 1 or 2 co-codomol a day and haven't had any for a few days :)

    So although it's been tough, I do feel like I am doing ok and don't want to complain as I've seen many others sufferening.

    I wanted to ask those that had their taste buds shot to pieces. I'm sure everyone is different but how long has it taken you to recover? Even water tastes awful at the moment - trying swallow holding my nose just to stay hydrated!

    Now fingers crossed for my first CT on 14th July. Will then have a PET in Sep.

    Thx, Robert 

  • So sorry to hear about your pain and struggles Matt. Definitely get a feeding tube if you can - it's never a sign of weakness to support yourself in whatever way you can. My partner really benefited from the tube and needed it for most of the treatment and a couple of months in recovery. 

    Fingers crossed the pain can be managed with these new meds. If you ever feel like a drug isn't working for you - please chat with your health team. Everyone is really different and there are loads of alternative medications that the team can prescribe for you to collect at the hospital. Take care and keep in touch x

  • Hi there Robert. Well done for getting through treatment!

    My partner found that food still tasted odd for the first 4 months after treatment. He kept eating even though nothing tasted nice - trying different textures and flavours to keep his jaw and swallowing action. Sometimes he felt so depressed that food wasn't ever going to be enjoyable again! Then from 4 months post treatment, everything started to improve. He's 7 months post treatment now and can enjoy old favourites like really spicy curry, or crusty bread, or greek salad. Everyone has different recovery journeys and expectations - but if you keep eating for functional reasons, eventually you will enjoy it again! 

    Best of luck and keep in touch x

  • I'm sorry you're dealing with an infection Bushy. Hope it clear soon. Glad to hear you're doing ok otherwise. Fingers crossed the taste returns soon! X

  • Thank you, I massage my neck to help the lymphoedema but the consultant said it may come and go for the rest of my life, 6 months post treatment I've got to be happy how things are progressing 

  • Yes, you're very right. We're finding happiness in all the small things he can do.