Radiotherapy for Throat Cancer

Hello all,

I have posted my little story on introduce yourself and basically I have been diagnosed with Stage 1 Throat cancer.

The prognosis is hopeful and I remain cheerful and positive. Its taken a while for the actual treatment to start so glad to get on with it at last.

I started my first day of radiotherpy today and have 29 more treatments to go over 6 week period.
I have made a little computer programme that logs my side effects and summarises episodes of each heading and I plan on keeping a daily log of how things went/ how I feel ( good and bad ) and map out my journey. I find it therapuetic.

I will share periodically in the hope that even if it helps one person as well as myself  it will be worthwhile.

So day 1 was fine and I dont really feel any difference or notice anything.
One small point is that the mask made was slightly harder than when it was first made as it has set little harder over the weeks and was a little more moveable on the day made.
Took about 10 mins for actual radiotherpay treatment itself.
Drove home fine.

Meet with advanced practioner nurse every Thurs to discuss progress.
Aware might be a little different along the way but all good after day 1.


kind regards



  • hi mandy just git to hang on to things willgetbbetter I am 10 weeks post radio,eatingbstill difficukybthank god for high calories drinks but little by little am eating and regaining strength 

    I have written a blog if yiu want to read the ups  and down s feel free to ask any questions between us we all help each other




  • Thanks to all responses as it is encouraging and therapuetic to be able to share and have others understand this type of journey.

    On a positive note I will take the side effects over getiing ride of the cancer and small price to pay.

    I had the added bonus of being misdiagnosed earlier this year and said it was just flux and acid from stomach causing sore throat and red right tonsil. Was given Landoprasol and had a major reaction to this medication which gace me 4 weeks chronic diahoreaha then was admitted to hospital for a week with intravenous steriods. Only 2nd day before i left did they look at medication been on and stopped this as they thought root cause!! This made me miss my ENT appt and had to wait further appt.
    Had colonoscopy and biopsy for bowels which came back clear for cancer but diagnosed microscopic colitis which was then managed by 3 mths steroids, which touch wood is now under control and has been for months.

    Was only at my next ENT appt told they thought it might be cancer and that I was being fast tracked and operated on asap. Tonsil out and ouch! that was not clever and side effects from that gave quite a bit of discomfort. Had to wait on that healing then in for surgery to get back teeth out and again another nice little appetiser before radiotherpay treatment.

    Again, overall I have been positive about the whole thing and encouraged that consultant looking to cure this although I get it that life will probably never be total same and some adjustments having to be made.

    Im fine with that and just deal with what i have to deal with.

    So couple questions in general as I know all different, but when would I expect to maybe see enegry levels start to increase and maybe some gentle exercise on bike at healthclub.
    Taste buds will have to wait and see how goes and just adjust to what I find acceptable to eat.
    I have vowed never to drink alcohol again and been 149 days since I last had a vodka and coke. The very thought made me shudder.
    I have put on some weight this year and although now not the time, want to get some weight off and assume this would be more controlled. So what is the take on weight and calories long term? Assume your not encouraged to intake massive calories/ice cream long term?

    I lead quiet life and bit of a homebird apart from my holidays and am very contented person.

    Still only 60 next March, not ready to retire yet but think I am going to aim for retiral at 67, god willing.

    I know insurance can now be an issue and although there are specialist companies, i'm not sure id want to travel back to Tenerife which is a little further away if anything goes wrong and I do have concerns about the intense heat and will probably look at closer alternatives further down line when more able.
    Was told you should really wait at least a year after radiotherpay before venturing abroad again, but does not seem to be the case with all?

    Sorry if waffling and not all joined up, but as say, sometimes therapeutic to just chat/type away to others who understand and its nice to offer each other support and advice etc.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will stop being a keyboard warrior lol

    kind regards


  • Hu Ian 

    simikar afe to me 62 in Feb I retired 8 years ago n hubby ex miner 2 years ago. Re insurance try n get some one who will exclude the dance let’s fsce it we aren’t going to get it again ! Like oncologist says CURE so am taking comfort from that I put nearly a stone in in the weeks waiting for treatemdnt so now lost 2 stone the dietician s views are balanced calories which I adhere to with fresubin n ensure drinks but my view is any calorie I can get down us good. Re exercise I was 8/weeks post radiotherapy when I first got on rollers on bike the achievements of 2 km was unbelievable but take it steady our bodies have been through a tough time. In kastvweek I’ve dine 52 km ok in Spain n 50 km gently walking. 

    Inhavent deunk for 9 years can’t do with hangover ,and haven’t smoked for 15 years thunjnwe are just the unfortunate ones. I spent most if summer moan)by jn about the chavs who do both but life too shirt to moan 

    3 days left jn Spain so getting bikes out for a gentle ride ni Tour de France hills for me for a whike

    happy sunday

  • Thank you my hubby finished rt on fri been in bed for last two days not feeling too good they did tell us it will still burn for two wks so plenty of rest n sleep

    mandy steve

  • Hi Mansy n Steve

    good luck in finishin r t  t it’s a big hurdle ,yes at least the next 2 weeks are hard in my case it was a bit longer. Main thing don’t let him bhim sleep too long as his liquid intake is critical plus food intake. You may find eating gets harder and weight losses get bigger I maintained weight  well lost women throughout r t but in last tb10;weeks have lost over a stone .

    just in every thing on Monday when Yiu don’t have hospital ion a daily basis it’s a relief but you’ve also lost a vital,point of contact that we’ve all had for weeks we are basically in our own I have a good Macmillan team if u do please use it 


    I have  written a blog don’t know if you’ve read it


    anybquestions or fears just ask, ps u might find u argue we did n it’s nit usual at all for us but it’s frustration u want him to eat he won’t be able  to or want to unwill get there ough it suggest u have a good friend u can lean on 


  • Hi Mandy

    This we found is the toughest time. No more daily hospital visits with the support that offers and the cumulative effects if the treatment which build and definitely get worse before better. My hubby tried to do too much and ended up in hospital fir 4 days so rest and sleep is the way to go.My advice is batten diwnnthe hatches and ride the storm youre on the home straightand recovery will come - slowly but it will come.

    best wishes and good luck



  • Hi Ian

    just checking in on you to see how your getting on. 

    Good luck and best wishes


  • Thanks Emma best thing is sleep as he done really well he feels better today had something to eat n looks better colour 

    mandy steve 

  • Hi Emma

    thank you for asking and touch wood, still doing ok ish and being managed via meds etc.

    This is the start of my fifth week and met with nurse/speech tharapist and dietician at meeting after treatment this morning. they seem pleased enough with me and I am still manageing to drink around 4/5 litres water a day which they say is a big help.
    I am also on Ensure drinks that i find ok as struggling a little with eating as most food taste metalic.
    Am ok with liquids such as chicken soup/ambrosia rice/full fat strawberry yoghurt and milkshakes to keep the calories on.

    Have had morphine increased and apart from oramorph, take MST sachets twice to have in system all time and they have upped dose on that.
    Up during night about every hour to clear mucas/go to loo but lucky enough to fall quickly back to sleep.
    Bit more tired during day and need at least one power nap ( around an hour or so) and throat bit sore in morning when I first rise but gets better as day goes on with liquid intake and morphine.


    Again, thank you for asking and only 9 more treatments to go! but am being looked after by a magnificant team of staff.

    kind regards


  • Hi all,

    Just finished week 5 treatment this morning and one more week to go.

    They have upped the morphine and am now on Fluconazole for oral thrush they found yesterday.

    Feel like a chemist here with all these meds/mouthwashes but its all fine and would say genrally still ok and not experiencing anything I was not expecting.

    Little more tired and quite bit mucus comes up during night, but get back to sleep quite easily.
    Not been on solids all week as they taste gross and metallic and have been sticking to liquid/soft meals.
    On Ensure drinks that they gave me and was told equivalent of a small meal plus I can eat chicken soup/ambrosia rice/custard and full fat yoghurt which I enjoy.
    Got weighed yesterday and surprisingly had put on a little weight, which they were please with as was I.

    All in all not really complaining and on the home stratight for treatments next week with only  5 more to go, although I know the side effects will continue, at least no more daily treatments.

    Was also given a nebuliser yesterday and have used a few times, but not really sure if making any difference. Does anyone know if I can put a couple drops eucalyptus in with the saline as love the smell and alwasys thinks helps clear head.

    Thank you to all that reply as its helpful to share my experience as not only do I find it therpeutic, i really do hope that it can help at last one person. Treatment/side effects etc are not brilliant but you get through it and am still trying to stay positive.

    kind regards
