Hi i was wondering if someone may be able to give me a little help? My father was diagnosesd with stage 4 prostate cancer in 2015 and received radiotherapy, after this he was given a zoladex injection every 3 months.fantastically his PSA levels have dropped to near non existant which we are extatic about. His oncologist has now stopped his injections. During treatment he had severe leg, muscle and bone pain from it, weight gain, memory loss, and extream tiredness (some days he can sleep 5-8 hours and still sleep all night). His last injection was 12 weeks ago and his symptoms are still the same - i was just wondering if they ever go away and if so does anyone have any experience as to how long it takes? I know exercise is reccomeneded but hte pain he hasd in his legs are so bad he is now wheel cahir bound as good as so the smallest aount of exercise really hurts him - he has been diagnosed with avascular necrosis in his hip - they are not sure if this is a direct effect of the medication and radiotherapy.