The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Sandra

    thanks for your post.

    I have my appointment on Friday this week but no ct scan appointment came. I spoke to the consultants secretary who said that one had not been ordered but I should still go on Friday. I'm hoping I'll know more then. I'll keep you posted.


  • Good morning peeps. Well it's been a while hasn't it!. 

    It was 5 yrs August 10th I was told I had breast cancer. I recall I was stoic, angry, scared and cornered by the whole situation that was unfolding without knowing what was coming next. I knew I couldn't be alone so joined cancer chat.... oh about the best move ever. The people who literally came to my rescue to support and guide me through. People who knew and understood because they had either been through exactly the same or were in the same moment undergoing treatment for whatever cancer they had. I started off by connecting with Jains and Rileyroo and bless them they gave their all to support me. Even when I was obsessing over small details that to be honest should have been the least of my worries they patiently walked and talked me through every...I mean every step of the way... I thank you.  When I created this thread others jumped on board and although not as active as it used to be I love that people still pop by to do a little check in... you all know who you are:happy: The good and the bad are as relevant today as they were when the tread was created because life is just like that.


    The Bad:- seeing the despair and anguish in peoples eyes each time I attended hospital for my routine mammograms.... those attending the breast clinic  for the first time for tests or waiting to go in to be told their results stand out from those further along the process. I saw this 4 wks ago when I attended my annual mammogram.... it always makes me realise how I must have looked too.
    Then reading on here the people reaching out to connect with others to have a sounding board for release and ask questions.... bad they need to but reassuring how many are here to step up and step forward to just be there for them. 

     The Good:- Just  received my results for my 5th annual mammogram and ....nothing of concern... yayyyyy. They have advised I am now back to routine recall. Not gonna lie I was elated and a bit emotional... with a touch of separation anxiety that I've been cut adrift ....funny old world isn't it. 
    I came on here and started to read the posts from the very beginning of the thread..what a story unfolds.... with strangers connecting and sharing..I found moments  of sadness, fear, comfort, support and laughter. 
    I was reminded of our wonderful NHS... when the chips are down the are at their best. My journey  with them was 13wks and 2 days from diagnosis to end of treatment, followed by 5 yrs of annual mammograms and check discharged back to routine recall.

    I feel fortunate,  blessed and grateful  to have been embraced with the exceptional care of the professionals and the support of those on here who didn't allow me to walk a mile in their shoes... they picked me up and carried me through every inch of the way and out the other side.... ️THANK YOU ️.

    None of knows what the future holds but we always have here together each other.
    I hope everyone still  finds the odd moment to pop on here to share the good and the bad.. it's ok if it's all good or it's all bad or both...cos ain't that just life.

    take care peeps hope you have as good a day as you can ️



  • Honestly at time couldn't we just... sigh. Chin up lass ..I'll be thinking of you. You are so due a break ️

  • Wow - the heartiest of congratulations Sandra!!!! You made over that 5 year mark!!! Woo hoo!!!

    It is uncanny when we think how we started on here and what we went through and some of us unfortunate ones still going through. But without this chat I honestly wouldn't have made it through the initial years so I thank you ️ ️
    I am sitting here at the hospital as hubby is having second heart stent procedure. I was feeling nauseated reliving it all but reading your post Sandra cheered me on! I am very very thankful and fortunate to have an amazing medical team who keep a really good check on me. Words don't justify how thankful I am.

    I finally went on holiday last week and could not feel more fortunate that I am here and able to do this. Sun, sea and sand with palm trees is the best antidote!

    The way I see it - we all go through what we do so we can help others. That's been my aim for last 5 years and to raise as much money as I can for research. I wish all of you a lot of strength for life is hard but we got this!!!!

  • Hi Sandra and all,glad this string is still going strong despite odd quiet moments, (not sure about women being quiet hehehe).

    Brenda still thrilled being home, she's on three months of strong antibiotics to try to rid any infection in uti and kidneys. 

    Alot changed with her, food drinks clothes. And she's not as steady standing or walking has to use frame now, but she's happy giving orders to her butler and chef (me).

    Bit about me, im off my cancer meds because of side effects and my cancer count is rising slowly, im booked in for bone scan 17th, waiting for ct appointment then hopefully get meds sorted and get count down again. Brenda keeps worrying about me especially when i have a bad day i try to make light of things for her.  Don't want her back in hospital again. Originally i was given 5years it's well after 6 now and im pushing for many more, sticking to my promise to Brenda before she'd marry me that I'd look after her when she got old, she was always worried about me being nearly 14 years younger than her. 

    Hope things are going as good as possible for anyone having things done. 

  • Thank you lass couldn't have done it without you. So sorry to hear your husband is in hospital bless... you must be worried... as if you don't have enough on your plate. But hey you... been on ya jollies go you.... I have holiday envy lol. 

    where you at with your treatment now?

    honestly when I went back to the beginning to read this thread.... the story it tells of many of us. 

    it's a strange old life... I minded my life was being dictated by hosp appointments now here I am feeling a little insecure that it's not going to be.... no pleasing my apparently lol x

  • Aw Billy... I always have a poignant smile on my face when I read your posts. They truly reflect the good and the bad ️ hope the scan goes to plan with good news...sundial has an appointment for her scan results but they forgot to book her for her scan! need you back on the meds that control your cancer asap you trooper you. Glad to hear Brenda is better than she was ... I've said it before and I'll say it again ... she's so lucky to have you ️. Please tell her I'm asking after her x


  • Good morning Everyone 

    Sorry haven't been on here for a while. So much going on. But first well done Sandra 5 years you are truly amazing! Not only for your fighting spirit but for bringing us all together! Drizzle you go girl! Everyone one of you are totally amazing in your own right never forget that!

    Mum- had to go back to hospital after she found a breast lump thankfully well checked over and just a cyst. 

    Me- well ladies on 7th September Steve got down on one knee!!! Sadly with the queen dying the next day we decided to keep it quiet for a few days. Just didn't seem right with everyone so sad. But once we did tell people they were all happy again! Now planning all the little bits and pieces. Everywhere getting so booked up! So exciting though! 

    Mch love and hugs to you all x 




  • Congratulations and you'll soon be a Mrs,and mr. hope you've been training him right so no slipups on the big day and hopefully good weather and plenty of presents you actually need. 

    Good luck and our blessings. Hope you can have as many years as we have, 50 .

    Love Brenda and Billy  xxxx