The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Thank you. Yes thankfully I am ok. No more scares. Living life to the full! 

    Omg JBains your so brave! Well done you. What's next on your list?? Xx 

  • Hii Beachbabe,

    I'm really sorry to hear about your mum. This must be such a worrying and anxious time for you both. Hang in there and remember it may not be bad news. Though I understand that's not always easy to do! I'm sending you and your mum lots of love and hugs Xxx ️

    Please keep us posted on how things go for you both xx

    Love Jess xx


    Hi Jbains,

    Congratulations on completing your jump. It really does get the Adrenaline going doesn't it? You really are one remarkable lady - well done!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    HI Beachbabe,

    I am glad to hear that you are keeping well and have had no more scares. I'm glad to hear that you are living life to the full - just like JBains - isn't she remarkable?


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jess

    Thank you for your message. Just love this thread so full of support. Sending you a big hug x 

  • Totally remarkable is our JBains! Life is definitely for living and doing things maybe before the dreaded c word hit our lives we wouldn't have thought about doing! X


    I totally agree that life is for living. It's amazing how a cancer diagnosis centres our priorities. Prior to my diagnosis, I took every day as it came. Now every day is a real bonus and one to be treasured for so many different reasons. xx

  • You all are too kind. I think lockdown made me realise don't put things off as well as the second diagnosis and all the info I have now.

    Every single one of us just need to educate others on cancer and surviving. My aim since 2020 was to raise what I could for Breast Cancer Now and for Cancer Research. So am ticking things off slowly but I never want to be known as the woman who had cancer but to leave my mark and be known as something grand! Watch this space....

  • J brains the grand flying lady,i love the thought of you coming down flapping your arms,. anyway congratulations on your bucket list having another tick.

    You should have sent invites £ 5 a time you'd have made plenty for your cause . please don't forget next time.

    Cruk do a lottery I've been in it for ages, don't want to win just giving them something for having a really good forum and finding plenty of friends .

    Take care keep sure .

    Love Billy xxxx


    Hi Jbains,

    I'm sure that others, like me, are watching with baited breath!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx