The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hahahahaha! That made me giggle Sandra!

    They did the genomics first time and didn't think anything of the mutation as at that time they didn't have the info they have now. Before they had a genetics test for only 4 gene mutations. Now they have a lot more info and drugs to help this. Had I had a metastatic stage 3 or 4 cancer then chemo nor radiation would work with that mutation but there is a chemo drug (tablet form) that works. It was caught early so they were able to treat me both times. Everyone's cancer is as unique as their DNA. 
    It has also been 5 years since my first diagnosis and 1 year since my second and time has flown!!!

    Be happy and be safe - one never knows what's around the corner.

  • Dear Sandra I bought a second hand mobility scooter to try last year Brenda thought it good but wanted better one so I treated her,me being a dutifull hubby she really loved it till cold im hoping better Brenda and weather and we can Galavant about again even if it is local places.might get a cheap car if fuel prices drop and I feel good enough to go somewhere nice take scooters with us and Bella I hope.

    My cancer keeps biting me and changing Meds gets it down again, but energy levels are low keep doing little jobs and keep trying to get stronger.keeping positive but getting harder.and Brenda has noticed.plese excuse rant but it does help.

    Love Billy xxxx


    Hi Sandra,

    I'm glad to hear that things are going so well for you and to see that you are still keeping busy with the little ones and your crafting. Where has the last five years gone? It's hard to believe that it will be five years since your diagnosis in August.

    I sincerely hope that all continues to go well for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Dizzle,

    I was just looking at your photo of happier times and thinking just how quickly life can change. It sounds as if you've been to h*** and I'm so glad to see that you are clawing your way back up. Sadly, I know only too well the damage that drink can do to a relationship and just how difficult it is to get yourself out of that downward spiral - 58 days sober is fantastic. You have made the move to get back on track and don't be afraid to contact AA if you have a wobble or two! 

    You still have a long road ahead of you and I sincerely hope that you get there. You are bound to be on edge until the court dates are behind you. Try not to let these get you down. There is still a good life for you at the end of that tunne and I know that you can get there!

     I am always here if you want to talk privately.


    Jolamine xx


    Hi Jbains,

    I expect that this mutation accounts for the return of your cancer so quickly. Whilst it isn't good news to know that you have this, you are better off knowing, than not. I am glad to hear that there is a chemo tablet that works in the early stages and hope that it manages to keep any recurrences away this time.

    I have to say that I admire your *** with some of the items on your list. Your birthday sounded like fun, but the thought of jumping out of a plane makes me feel physically sick. I wish you all the very best with it and whatever else you have planned in the future.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Billy,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time too. You must be lost without Brenda being at home. It's good to hear that you've got some use from the mobility scooters. I have used one for years and it has really opened up my world. Hubby's walking is very poor now, so I've just got him one too and we're hoping to get out on them on the warmer days.

    Sorry to hear that your levels are still rising , but glad to hear that there are still meds to bring them down again. I sincerely hope that you find Brenda more settled when you visit her tomorrow. and that the mental health team come to see her soon.

    How sad to hear about Bella - just when you could really do with her company at home. Thinking of you all and hoping that things improve for you soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Ahhhh... fair enough... illl stop wanting to get a stick and poke them in the eye for not looking properly then :laugh:


    hasn't it just flown... looking back and after reading your previous post I feel I'm not making days count as much as I should... doing that slip back into normality is great but it should just be that extra vibe shouldn't it. 

    Look after yourself lass and embrace that extra vibe ️

  • Oh Billy you rant away ️ Oh my... not gonna lie but as soon as I can justify I'd be getting me a mobility scooter... I think they are great. My daughters friend ( in her 40s) and her son (15) both hired one while on holiday in Spain nd went everywhere on them lol.. and no they weren't 2 wheel scooters they were really mobility scooters :laugh: You hold tight to those plans and enjoy every min and rest when needed. 

    The weather is starting to warm up so we can sit and enjoy our gardens again with the sun warming our bones for now. 

    Keep in touch and up to date with you and your girls ... take care x


    yup I'd have one in a heartbeat. 

  • Thank you jolamine for all your support ️. I remember when diagnosed ( I'd just taken early retirement 8 months earlier) thinking.. blinking  government changing retirement age now I may not be here to get it( yes that was my angry go to lol). All being equal lol... I will finally get my pension in November... in ya face government :laugh: yes the anger is still there lol. It's funny the things that go through our minds isn't it lol. X


    Hi Sandra,

    I just retired last week aged 73 and I'm enjoying every moment. You'll get that pension in November - and enjoy it!


    Jolamine xx