The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi my dear Sandra, things are quiet lately mostly, what with monthly, three monthly and 6monthly, blood tests with different specialist,. I've been knocked for six with different meds for over a year,then one of them decided to drop dose and big improvement lately.

    if i were you id double check its not phone consultation ,I went in two different occasions and shouldn't have because secretary didn't put phone only don't come in.

    Brenda and I have a mobility scooters now, parking anywhere and free and extra bags for shopping.

    Hope things are going ok with you and yours.

    We are looking forward to Christmas although just us two .

    Hope you have a good one.

    Brenda is still improving and getting her usual bossy self .

    Bella could have cancer now vet trying antibiotics first.

    Hope you are taking care .

    Love Billy xxxx

  • Hello wor Billy ️. So glad to hear Brenda is improving... please tell her I'm asking after her.

    oh no.. hope Bella is ok.... we took daughters dog to vet because she had a few lumps nd bumps ( she's 16 bless her). He said he's confident they are not cancer... they can be such a worry our little furry friends.

    honestly Ive told my lot ... first sign of a limp nd I'm getting a mobility scooter :laugh: I think they are brill... you 2 can have your own chapter of hells Angels :wink:

    I only got the reminder text on Saturday about my appointment and their appointments line is closed till Monday. I'll try to get through before my Monday morning appointment. I keep all my letters and definitely not had one giving me an appointment but it is a yr since my telephone appointment. 
    your Christmas sounds like it will be perfect with you and Brenda... just the 2 of you and no one else to please... yup sounds perfect to me x


    Hi Billy,

    I am so sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with medication, but delighted that you are coping better now that you have dropped some of your meds.

    You've certainly done the right thing by getting yourself and Brenda mobility scooters. I have used one for many years and couldn't do without it now. I find it so handy for carrying things as this doesn't make my bilateral lymphoedema worse.

    I hope that the two of you have a wonderful Christmas together. We are hoping to have a late dinner with my daughter and son-in-law before they go to his parents in the evening. Like yours, it will be a quiet one, but we're looking forward to that. 

    I do hope that the vet is wrong about Bella and that the antibiotics make a difference..


    Jolamine xx

  • Morning all! Where has this year gone????? I for one am happy to see the back of it for sure! My year has been 4 biopsies, 2 mri's, 2 pet scans and a hysteroscopy. Think my hospital has enough pieces of me now.... I've also become famous doing race for life at home in April and featured in local paper & cancer research Facebook page and in October's edition of Woman's Weekly. I shall sign autographs at request!

    But looking forward to Xmas as my son moved back in august so am a very happy bunny! 
    Unfortunately I have 2 friends who are terminal so there is always a reminder of how awful this disease is! Side effects and living with more limitations is a reminder as well! But I will be damned if I let anything stop me enjoying life!

    I have kept myself busy the last 3 months being on my hospitals focus groups regarding improving patient experience and will now be a patient rep on receptacle for recruiting cancer nurses. So a part time commitment which suits me for now. I will turn my experiences into a positive for sure.

    Hope everyone keeps safe and healthy - numbers are on the rise for omicron. But it's something that will soon become something we live with like flu - but it's still scary!

    Merry Christmas to you all - my virtual buddies. Keep strong, keep safe and one day at a time. We got this!!!

  • Afternoon peeps

    the bad: local garden centre started their  half price sale on Christmas decs so off I tootled to get the door wreath daughter saw. Got it and a few other bits nd bobs but oh's was choca block. Queue to get into the huge car park, queue to wait for a basket or trolly, queue to get through doors and I was in the till queue for just under 2 hours..... what the actual. Did get some bargains though. 

    lil ones had their Christmas plays at school ... although performance was with audience attendance it was limited to 2 tickets so sadly I didn't get to see... but lovely that parents were allowed.

    Sad to hear of the struggles our little band have been through this yr...surely next yr can only get better. 

    the good: followed my advisor, wor Billy's, advice ... and phoned the hospital appointment line at 8:30 today and found out my hospital appointment today was a telephone one. Would have done a 40min bus ride, rock up to reception in time for my phone to ring for said appointment. Thank you for the sound advice Billy. Just a 5 min catch up with nurse to see all was well... it is.

    lil ones are away for a couple of days at their other gran nd grandads so I have some free time ... yay. 

    Had our Christmas family meal out last Saturday ... felt perfect ( couldn't have one last yr).

    Christmas shopping done and wrapped just the fresh food to get for Christmas Day.

    Going to post my Christmas cards around the doors later... only 10 to post this yr... they are getting less and less. 

    feeling blessed that I am currently fortunate to be here and doing ok.

    stay warm, stay safe and hope you all have as good a day as you can x

  • Its been such a tough yr for you lass. As always your strength has prevailed  and you are coming out the other side with your usual fight and determination ( I love that about you ️). So sorry to hear about your 2 can be so hard. 

    So.... it appears we have a new celebrity in our midst... love it.... and well done you ️. 

    don't over do it lass and keep warm... the warmest of virtual hugs sent your way x


  • Hi Sandra glad you checked appointment and saved wasted journey .

    Our super star better not forget to give us all her signature, she'll be famous one day .

    Really glad you got your bargains from garden centre despite waiting for so long.

    Nice to see the gang getting together again maybe get more on in time for Christmas .

    Hope all our friends have a very good Christmas and happy New year .

    Love to all Billy xxxx



    Hi Jbains,

    It's great to hear from you again. It sounds as if you have had a busy year over and above your medical problems. I don't know how you've found the energy to do so much. You are quite right, no matter what limitations we are left with, we only get the one life and it is definitely for living to the full. It is really great that you are able to give so much back. We shall soon all be queuing for your autograph.

    You must be delighted to have your son back home again and, I'm sure that you're enjoying his company.  This Omnicrom variant certainly is scary. I do hope that we don't face another lockdown in the new year.

    I hope that you and everyone else on this thread have a Merry Christmas and a healthier and Happy New Year.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Sandra,

    I'm so glad to hear that you folloed Billy's advice and phoned the hospital to find out about your appointment today. I'm sure that you would have felt pretty cheesed off if you had arrived to discover that it was a telephone consultation.  It's so good to hear that all is well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi all ...

    So lovely to hear catch up after so long ... l just want to send good wishes to Sandra and all who have come on this thread over the years sinse it started in 2017 ... boy how time flys .... hoping everyone of you is doing o.k ... this thread got me through many a down time and made me laugh at the amusing things that happen too ...

    So a pieceful and as healthy as possible new year ... let's hope it's better then the last few years ... big Xmas hug to you all, Chrissie x x