The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi sorry your having rib pains hopefully get that sorted soon.

    Acupuncture is good idea as long as you can get a good one I had it years ago really helped.

    Glad someone else likes it cooler not just me..  wow sky jump definitely living life to the fullest,no way would I do it,. Really hope you enjoy it maybe more than once.

    Love the idea of tattoo.

    I think alot of the ladies have beauty sleep on Sunday, hope that didn't sound wrong about you.

    Take care keep positive and safe.

    Love Billy xxxx


    Hi Sandra,

    Great to hear from you and glad to hear that all is good. I'm sorry to hear about the delay in delivery of the new garden furniture and hope that it arrives soon.

    I'm quite envious of you seeing the lil ones so often - mine are at the other end of the country from me, so thank goodness for Whats App, etc, but it' not the same as face to face.

    I hope that the Halloween things are transforming nicely.

    Stay well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Sundial,

    I'm delighted to hear that you got the all clear at your check up last month and that you have only one more check up before you're discharged.

    News about your hubby is not so good. It must have been really awful having him in hospital and not being able to visit, especially when he was in the Covid ward. It must have been really scary for all of you, having three people pass away overnight. Still, it's good that he had no Covid symptoms.

    It must be terribly tying having to attend for dialysis so often, so I hope that he can get a machine at home soon. It certainly sounds as if you are due a little good news at last - I sincerely hope that you get some.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Jbains,

    I'm sorry to hear about the pain and other side-effects. I agree that I benefitted greatly from the Haven for manual lymphatic drainage after my first operation. I then got referred to the NHS Lymphatic Clinic and have been fortunate enough to still attend this clinic after 11 years. My clinic has remained open throughout both lockdowns and I have been lucky to have my appointments as usual. It is difficult to find suitably trained people to do this treatment, so I'm glad that you have managed to find someone, although I'm sorry to hear that you are having to do this privately.

    I agree with Billy, Acupuncture can be very helpful if you find a good acupuncturist, which I hope you do. I am sorry to hear that the oncology psych didn't help, but glad that your cancer buddy is making a difference. I love the idea of your tattoo. It sounds as if you are gradually ticking things off your bucket list - good luck with the sky dive!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



    Hi Billy,

    How are things with you and Brenda? No more Tia's or fits I hope! Is she still getting out to the garden and enjoying some of the good weather we've been having?

    I hope that your cancer count is still reducing and that your BP and hot flushes are both improving.

    Thinking of you both.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hope you are keeping well yourself getting out and about,I know it really helps make people feel better. 

      Brenda is getting out regularly now apart from cooler weather,I ordered a gasibo couple of months ago should have been here last week and a high lounger for brenda,. deckchairs and recliners are to low so she struggles to get out of them and move about.her attitude towards me sometimes hurts, only there to do things for her like a carer, when she loses things its always My fault weather I know what it is or not,we carry on best we can.   Brenda and a walker leave a lot to be desired she'll hit something a try to Push it out the way even a door frame, she hardly ever looks where the weels are, but at least she's getting stronger in her legs and arms,got her some exercise putty for her hands she uses it regularly no problems, still balance problems but determined with everything.sorry should have said earlier no more Tia's or fits.

    My cancer count is good 0.06 still dropping my BP is still low, nobody knows why specialists keep telling me my meds should take it getting a bit of exercise but taking it easy as well, trying to get a few jobs done and others come along, . My new meds have rotted all my teeth,had top ones out btm ones in three months, finding best things to eat (suck) , found ice lolly is good for pain really numbs it for ages, missing My steak or chops but that's life ,hot flushes are a pain in hot weather but alot better when cooler,I normally stay in with the fan on,got walky talky each so brenda can call if she wants something.

    We are organised if nothing else.

    Take care keep safe and positive.

    Love Billy xxxx


    Hi Billy,

    I am glad to hear that Brenda is getting out regularly when the weather allows. It's good to hear that her arms and legs are getting stronger, even if only to improve her demolition skills with her walker! I am glad to hear that there have been no further Tia's or fits. I know how hurtful her attitude to you can be, along with some of the things she says. I have the same with my hubby, but we've just got to ignore it and carry on.

    It sounds as if your gazebo and high lounger have gone the same way as Sadra's table and chairs - I hope that you get them soon.

    I am delighted to hear that your cancer count is still falling. I have the opposite problem to you. My BP is dangerously high and they keep telling me that my meds should take it down. Instead it stays the same  and the new meds cause fitting, but I've been told to perservere. My teeth are all going due to my meds too. I can't say that I'm enjoying a diet of sops. Ice lollies and fresh lemon juice are my go tos as well. The lemon juice masks some of the constant nausea, but rot my teeth even faster - we just can't win.

    The hot flushes are a pain. You are lucky that they are a lot better with cooler weather. I'm still getting them, despite having finished my treatment 4 years ago. They are particularly bad at night, although they can also hit me throughout the day.

    Keep safe and don't lose heart.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi all just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

    Quick question to the ladies - did you get any periods after taking tamoxifen? My onco gynae told me they should stop. In 2017 when I started tamoxifen they stopped for a little while then I got erratic ones which I put down to not having gone thru menopause and onco gynae said then that it's not normal and I went thru biopsy of endometrial lining but all clear. Then after I stopped tamoxifen I began getting periods every 4 weeks. This time I got a doozy of a period after 9 weeks and after speaking with onco gynae on Tuesday he said I shouldn't get any more. Well I've now gotten one 4 weeks later.

    I never follow "normal" and estrogen is quite prevalent hence the periods. It's slightly worrying me that tamoxifen isn't working. I know it's early days and my body needs to adjust but just wanted to know if anyone has had similar experience.

  • Well good morning to all the lovelies that still check in ... it's been 3 months since mine :shocked:

    Life continues to tick along nicely...yay!

    lots of time with lil ones ️...still doing school runs and they slept at mine Friday while mum and dad went to see Blood Brothers... love that show seen it 3 times lol.

    I continue  filling time reading in garden ( still warm here) ..and crafting, knitting etc. 

    Binge watched Lost and The handmaidens tale.... loved them both but I was sooooo angry watching handmaiden lol honestly so so angry :laugh:

    Recently had my yr 4 mammogram said results in 1-2 wks ... wk 3 came and still didn't have them... well we all know where my mind started to the results yesterday and nothing of concern... seriously that fear is always easily triggered isn't it. 

    I too am now experiencing trouble with my teeth due to meds and of course I now have Osteopenia...all the talk of diet and exercise etc is a bit of a waste we all know it's the meds... sigh. On balance...needs as needs must I guess.

    Cue the other C word .... I've started my Christmas shopping :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 

    Although covid is still well and truly with us....everything seems to be returning to normal around my way our  knowledge none of our family have had it... long may this last. 

    So...that's me caught up :happy:

    I hope everyone can find  a little time to let us all know how you are all doing ️

    Have as good a day as you can peeps...take care and be safe. X









  • Morning folks. A very long time since I last posted anything on here although I still have a stalk round periodically. 

    Hope you are all managing in these strange times.

    My life has changed a lot in the last 18 months. I decided in May last year,enough was more than enough and retired. My son promptly bought his own house so I'm adjusting to living alone now, well apart from the dog who won't let me out of sniffing distance. 

    I've been lucky, four years post diagnosis and no evidence of recurrance. I'll take that. Apart from the annual squeeze, not heard a peep from the hospital for over two years which suits me fine. 

    Selfish waffle over, have a good day!