The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Jolamine. Back seems ok again and gphead cold has finally done one yay.

    I have a re scan in 2 yrs. no medication just exercise and dietary advice. I know it's the letrozole.... sigh. The double edge sword of  getting old beats the alternative as they say. 

    oh my the lil ones schooling lol. Even the bits I do know for maths is no good because I get the right answer but work it out different to how they do these days which makes it wrong! It also doesn't help when they ask a question and she has to pick one of 3 answers but the correct answer isn't one of the 3 :laugh: the question was which river runs through such and such town.... well non of the 3 choices you have given lol. I'm rooting for no more isolation for them :laugh: x

  • Jains ....keeping us grounded as always ️ I hate parties lol... hoping to get away on a spar break with daughters if anywhere is open :laugh: 

    Guess shouldn't sweat not feeling like doing owt cos even if we did we couldn't anyway :laugh: 

    meh... my go to was always all the angst in the world changes nothing but I did discover a good old vent can lift the spirits lol. See I'm now worthy of the I'm a grumbly old so nd so title lol. ️



  • Where's wor Billy? Billy not seen you on here for a while. Come out Billy where ever you are. C'mon Billy we're waiting. Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy B-I-L-L-Y. 

  • Darling Sandra .   I've been keeping clear of you ladies and there breasts,.its a nice subject to me but not sure what to say to reply without getting a black eye .

    My cancer count is still going down, but hot flushes are coming back again with a vengeance. BP still low so moving careful.

    Brenda is moving about more loves going out back to garden since I got some wheelchair ramps and a new walker she tries to walk everywhere now, she's had 2more Tia's just after having second covid jad and a fit,it scared me so ambulance came took her to hospital discharged her next morning 5oclock I could hear her shouting in background turned out they didn't give her any of her usual meds that night so she was sky high, she's down again more Tia's or fits,. I'm hoping that's it shes had 8 now in 2years she's completely incontinent now.  Language can be very hurtful sometimes .

    As I said at beginning got to be careful around you ladies so sometimes let you talk between your selves.

    Take care of yourselves and keep positive,no panicking allowed.

    Love to all especially grandma 

    Billy xxxx



    HI Sandra,

    I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend again. Letrozole has a lot to answer for, but like you, I'd take it all over again if I had to.

    The lil ones are glad to be back at school now and amongst their friends, so I do hope that there will be no more lockdowns.

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Billy,

    Black eye? We're all *** cats really!

    I'm sorry to hear that the hot flushes are back with a vengeance. It sounds as if Brenda has found a new lease of life getting out into the garden. I am so sorry to hear about the 2 TIAs and the fit after her jab - that must have been very scary for you.  By the sounds of things her hospital experience wasn't a good one, so I'm glad to hear that they didn't keep her in for long.

    I know how wearing all these TIAs are. I've lost count of how many my hubby has had since he had a quadruple by-pass, 25 years ago. I agree that language can be hurtful at times, but it's not the person you love who's saying this and she doesn't always realise what she's saying.

    Keep your chin up!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Yay hello wor Billy... lol you are one of us ... always welcome to join in :happy:

    brilliant news on your count dropping. Bless we totally get the hot flushes... my evening work out is snuggling Down in duvet then kick it off ... I'm cold pull it back on... no kick it off :laugh: sucks but doing its job I guess.


    Wow Bren is up and about and in the garden, I love it. All down to you of course ... getting the ramps etc... she is so lucky to have you in her life ️. 

    Well I know the swearing is out of character for her and hurtful that it is directed at you bless. Because it's out of character for her you know it's really her illness speaking not her. I know it's hard to remember that at times,  especially when it hurtful ️

    Sorry I'm a bit late answering... I did what all women do when they don't hear from a man.... I went shopping  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    take care Billy and  tell Bren I'm asking after her. ️

  • Morning peeps.... been a while's everyone doing?

    bad: nothing of note ..yay!

    good: been sprucing up garden ...ordered some new garden furniture ( they've started calling 2 seats nd a small table "Tea for two sets".... hmmm, of them. Month later...still waiting. Could have bought on line with 2 day delivery but no... local garden centre were selling £30 cheaper so went with them....hope they come before summers gone lol.

    Seeing lil ones lots... oh my how lucky am I to be able to spend time with them and watch them grow ️

    loving sitting in garden, chillaxing and reading book...the little things ain't it.

    Spending time crafting too... working on Halloween things.... I know it's early but ... keeps me busy.

    Anywhose, just thought I'd check in....hope everyone is having as good a day as they can ️

  • Morning Sandra

    Long time no speak!

    Gardens are so essential at the moment aren't they? I feel lucky that we have a space albeit small. I've been planting and tidying for a few months now.

    Good - At last check up in may all clear and told that if the same next appointment in October then I will be discharged.

    Bad - rather a lot unfortunately. Hubby was in hospital for six weeks at the start of the year with severe dehydration and then caught covid whilst in there. Fortunately no symptoms but it was very traumatic on the covid ward and over one night three people passed away unexpectedly. He had several UTIs and didn't know who I was when I phoned. No visiting of course. Subsequently he's been in and out of hospital several times. He has a rare blood disorder which has caused his kidneys to go into stage 5 kidney failure and has been on dialysis 3 times a week for the last 7 weeks and will continue now for the rest of his life. Hopefully next year he may be able to have a machine at home. Just wishing for a good year soon or maybe even a good few months. But we soldier on!

    I hope you and everyone else have as good a day as you can.


  • Hello all - hope everyone is doing as well as possible.

    So happy to not having to frequent the hospital for appointment after appointment (touch wood - don't want to jinx it!). I'm having my issues still with immense rib pain, fatigue and the rest. Had lymphatic drainage massage yesterday which helped a bit - expensive tho! Such a shame all the centres are shut as Breast Cancer Haven helped me so much in 2017. Going to try acupuncture next week. Very difficult to find trained and experienced ones that will help but got to the bottom of it.

    I also have a Macmillan cancer buddy who rings once a week - really does help as I didn't find the oncology psych any help at all. So am plodding along and taking life each day at a time.

    I finally got a small tattoo! It's the pink breast cancer ribbon heart shape with my children's first name letters in the heart. I'm a survivor times two so means a lot!!!

    Next I am waiting for a confirmation email back for a tandem sky jump. Living life to the fullest and slowly ticking off the list!!!

    Thankfully the weather has cooled down - my maximum is 22 degrees and no humidity! Life moves on and am thankful for each day I wake up.:happy: