The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Jokamine

    How are you doing.

    I'm ok. Just waiting for my first face to face check up since last March. I've had telephone consults between but they're not the same as the face to face... or face to nether regions. Lol.

    However my husband has just come out of hospital after being there for six weeks with acute kidney injury caused by severe dehydration. Unfortunately whilst in there he caught covid but fortunately he was asymptomatic. It did slow his recovery though. It was tough not being able to visit, especially when he got a urinary tract infection and was totally confused for a few days and didn't ring me.

    Better news we've got a new puppy called Teddy (see new avatar).





    Hi Sundial,

    I hope that you get your face to face appointment through soon - telephone consultations just aren't the same.

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I am sure that it was a great relief that his Covid was asymptomatic, even if it did hold up his recovery. I hope that there was no permanent damage done to his kidneys. UTIs can really knock a person for 6!

    My hubby was diagnosed with vascular dementia at the end o last yer and, unfortunately it is progressing fast. The confusion is heartbreaking.

    I love the avatar of Teddy. S/he looks so like my son's dog, which my grandchildren absolutely adore - but who couldn't fall in love with that face?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine.

    I have my appointment through for April. Actually it's on the same day as my husbands first follow up appointment. It's at the same hospital but at opposite ends of the day! Unfortunately the hospital is 30 minutes away so it's going to be a day of journeys in all senses of the word.

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband. It's very hard to see the person you love slipping away. Hold onto the best days.

    Take care Sundial

    PS yes Teddy is very cute and sometimes very naughty when I call him Teddy Terror Biite!

  • Hi sundial.

    When I saw your last comment about teddy thought ive got to say something.i mean the females are experts at training the males and making sure we do what we're told without even thinking about it.

    Take care.

    Love Billy xxxx

  • Hi Billy

    im working on it...


  • Hi Sundial,

    I am glad to hear that both you and your husband have your follow up appointments on the same day, albeit it makes it a long day when your appointments are so far apart. I hope that all goes well for both of you.

    Yes, life is hard at present, but we've just got to make the most of what we have.  I love Billy's comments about Teddy and am glad to hear that you're on his case.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi all. Hope everyone is doing ok and have managed to be vaccinated. I got mine 3 weeks ago.

    My treatment starts on Tuesday and am a bit anxious. Thought it'd be a little easier second time around but not so. But got to pull up my big girl panties and get on with it!

    I am just thankful that I've had all my tests and op during this pandemic and my medical team are caring. Well some of them! The weeks are still challenging with about 3 good days and the rest not so great but am sure that will get better. This is a tough struggle but I know I got this!

    Then again - don't really have a choice do I?


    Hi Jbains,

    Just because you've been through this before, doesn't make you exempt from worry. You will naturally be anxious until you start your treatment. Follow Chriss' advice. Jump into that virtual boxing ring, pop on your pink boxing gloves and start fighting. We are all right there with you in your corner and willing you on.

    I shall be thinking of you on Tuesday.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello Everyone,

    Long time no speak. So sorry for completely dropping off the radar. Have a spare 10 mins (a rare thing) and thought id catch up with you lovely lot. Jbains, glad you had your op (finally) but sorry about the infection....god forbid anything go smoothly lol but hope you're recovering well :)

    Well Lillie is now just over 4 months old and it has been far from easy. In fact its been horrific! She wasnt putting on any weight after birth so all sorts of tests were done. Nothing could be found so the day before new years eve she was admitted to hospital and was there for 2 weeks. it was horrible and to add to that a particular doctor actually accused us of neglect!!! the absolute cheek of it. I was writing down every feed she had, how much, what time etc and basically got accused of lieing about it! I couldnt believe how heartless they were towards parents with a potentially sick child. we were treated disgracefully! Then she came home and was putting on weight but apparently not as much as they wanted (although the amount this horrible doc wanted her to put on was pretty much impossible so other docs have said)...cant help but think it was a personal vendetta. Then the doc wanted her to be readmitted but we refused to take her to that hospital as the treatment there was diabolical and the wards were being run by people who looked like children themselves...they gave her the wrong milk, a dummy when i said she didnt have one and recording things wrong. So this hateful doc reported us to social services who turned up at our door with 2 police officers insisting on taking lillie to hospital! When we explained we werent refusing her treatment, just treatment at that hospital with that doctor, the officer really understood and arranged for her to go to a different hospital. She was there 3 weeks and the stress was totally unbearable. I couldnt stay with her all the time as jamie needed to work and vinnie needed looking after. I had a total mental breakdown so obviously social services think im a liability and sniffing round all the time now. Its a nightmare! Lillie has been home 2 weeks and improving but she has a feeding tube. Just praying when she gets weighed on tuesday she will have put on a significant amount of weight or i risk being accused of neglect again. Just been an awful new year so far. Mentally im getting there now that things have calmed down. I have put a complaint into the general hopsital about our treatment from that doctor and how the staff werent doing jobs properly. I was supposed to be covid tested on every visit.....not once was i offered one so who else arent they testing? Grrrr....anyway ive gone on long enough lol. 

    Sorry to put a black cloud over everyones day.....theres been a lot going on haha....oh did i mention I got married :) cant find my last post so unsure if i mentioned it.

    Anyways.....please take care everyone. Massive hugs

    Dizzle xx