The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X



    Hi Billy,

    I'm so sorry to hear that Brenda is now totally incontinent - even more work for you. I hope that you've managed to sort transport for her appointment on 21st and that it goes as well as it can. I shall also be thinking of you on 11th. Some specialists are still talking to us - I saw mine today. 

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine 

    Nearly waste of time at appointment, neighbor took me signed in and waiting,then get phone call from specialist, saying should be phone consultation but as I was there can go for a blood test he brought it to me and told me to adjust My meds see if any difference .blood nurse said one of the vials needs freezing and sent away, never heard of that before. Nearly slept all the time since.

    Hope things are going well with forum friends.

    Love Billy xxxx


    Hi Billy,

    I'm so sorry to hear about how your appointment went. It certainly doesn't sound ideal. When do you expect the result of your bloods?  i hope that the change in your meds works to your advantage.

    I've now got an appointment for a bone scan on Friday, so fingers crossed.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Morning all - hope everyone is staying warm - it's absolutely freezing! Hope all the appointments go okay for Billy and Jolamine. 
    These virtual appointments are something to get used to. It's just the new norm for everything now. 
    Another new variant - when does this nightmare end? I've had to shield since dec 27th and it's very hard not to be as independent as I was to be able to get in the car and sort out the food shopping and plan out everything. But hubby and daughter are having to do a lot plus work from home. Am feeling worse as the days go on - fatigue and the pain and nausea are very prevalent now. I'm not sleeping too well either due to the pain. So far surgery will be on 20 Jan but at the private hospital facility if the bearucracy gets sorted in time. My consultant has to have the right to practice at the private hospital so waiting for that. I hope it does go ahead but am ready for either eventuality.

    Son had to leave on Sunday and sobbed his eyes out - broke my heart. But hopefully he will be back for a visit after April and back for good this year. But we were very lucky we ha shim here for 3 weeks. Family time is the most valuable thing.

    I hope everyone is safe and well. Has anyone been vaccinated yet?

  • Good morning peeps.

    not surprised you are sleeping so much Billy you are doing so much and are not well yourself bless. You need to train Bella to make you a cup of tea and bring you a biscuit :wink:

    Hope all goes well at your next appointment Jolamine...everything crossed for good news ️.

    it's such a knock when our children head out on their own road again Jbains even more so when we are in a anxious state of mind to start with, so glad your husband and daughter are close to hand for you. So hoping they get everything sorted so your op can go ahead... I can still almost touch that feeling I had of just wanting it out of my body. Cold... it's blinking freezing here. We have had deep snow 7 miles from where I live but just slushy snow at mine (lil ones very disappointed... but I'm not lol). So... keep warm lass and keep positive ️

    bad:- things getting worse not better on the COVID front... sigh.

    good:- blinking cold here and yet I can see buds on my cherry tree.. something that made me smile this morning.... I'll take that smile and run with it. The little things ain't it :happy:

    hope everyone has as good a day as they can ️

  • Hi Sandra and all.

    Think I've just realised im alot more worried about Brenda's Brest appointment no 21st then she is,I wasn't worried about her other appointments but this one seems different .

    Love to all my forum friends, I'll not mention weather hehe.

    Billy XXX

  • Hi all 

    Brenda had appointment really waste of time but we know for sure its a cist just left it pain shes having they said is a lump behind nipple told to put pain jel onit.

    Both got home safely.

    Layed down went to sleep for hours,then to bed Slept right through.

    Hope you're having a good time in the sun rain and snow.

    Take care keep safe.

    Jolamine hope your problems are similar to Brenda's.

    Love to all Billy xxxx



    Hi Billy,

    It certainly doesn't sound like the most productive of appointments, but I'm glad to hear that  it's just a cyst. I can't see pain jel doing much to help Brenda, but I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.

    I hope that my problems are similar too. I've had my bone scan but am still awaiting resuls. I have an appointment for an x-ray on 31st January, but am still awaiting dates for CT scan, Cardiology and 72 hour heart monitor.

    Will let you know how things progress.


    Jolamine xx

  • Not a waste of time ... you got great news. I'm not surprised you slept so much Billy ... relief has allowed you to let  go of everything you have pent up and worried about,  giving way to exhaustion bless. You sleep and sleep some more... you need it and most certainly earned it. Tell Bren chuffed to bits at her great news ️. You take care of yourself and keep warm ... blinking freezing lol. X ️X

  • So glad they are moving along with your tests and care jolamine. Everything seems to be going at a slower pace due to all things COVID. Everything crossed for you ️