The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi beach, 

    Haven't been on much lately, with bren feeling a bit better she's keeping me busy with all the things she thinks I've not been doing properly. 

    I don't mind it's nice to see her taking notice and more her normal self. 

    I've managed to keep the garden tidy with the help of my really good neighbour.

    Bella's on her antibiotics again still got water infection she had before Christmas I'm wondering if it's anything to do with her medicine for her bladder stones. 

    Anyway it's a nice Sunday morning hope you (beach) will soon be sunning yourself on the beach, and hope you and all the ladies are well and haven't murdered anyone yet.

    Love.... Billy xxx 

  • Oh I hope to be on the beach soon! I am a single parent so my son is quite safe he’s a good boy and very helpful when I am at work x

  • Oh Chris's bless you if she has half your strength she wil do well. 

    Like you I am missing the lil ones. We are fortunate to at least have FaceTime etc but it's not the same is it.

    chin up lass.. we can only do what we can even if is pitiful little... but everyone knows the limitations.


    hugs sent yr way lass ️ X

  • A well deserved acknowledgement lass. How's yr mam doing

    it's weird how all this is just becoming the new norm. Sadly I think it will b a long time before life as we knew it comes back . 

    am I right in thinking u can go to yr beach hut as long as you are home to sleep in yr own bed... or am I wrong lol. 

    take care lass ️

  • Ah billy so glad Bren is more her old self.,, please tell her I'm asking after her and t make sure she keeps u on yr toes:wink: x

  • Bad :- so much finger pointing on fbook about people driving places for picnics and walks when it's what they have been told they can do..... I know it's born out of fear though.

    good :- son in law finally has people wanting him to do work ( he has had no work or money coming in for 8 wks now). Daughter has been told she is back to work on Tuesday again hers has been their only income which was 80% of an apprentices wage... so she too is relieved.   I should be their child care but we should not be mixing other households so the lil ones will be going to school ( daughter is classed as an essential worker. Not gonna lie we are all twitched about them going... but they need to earn to keep roof over head, food on table and clothes on back. They are fortunate they still have jobs. 

    anywho... stay well, stay safe, be alert x

  • Mum doing ok. Still self isolated but best thing really. Sadly only allowed to check to make sure everything ok with beach hut and then have to leave. If I sit outside wouldn’t be two metres away from people walking by. 

    But least I can walk along the beach which is very calming x

  • Hi all, 

    hope everyone is doing ok. Had my scan and baby is growing well so all good there. Still debating wether to find out the sex. Not too sure this time round.

    had dreadful weekend.... Jamie's lovely Nan passed away Saturday morning. She had a fall at home... nothing serious and just in for some physio. Was due to be discharged Thursday but contracted corona and died within a couple of days. We are all heartbroken as that was the last of Jamie's family in Southampton apart from his brother. His dad died suddenly about 8 years ago and his mum died from cancer a couple of month before we met. Both under 55 so very young so he's feeling very down which obviously is having a knock on affect at home but all I can do is support him I guess. He is next of kin so got a lot of organising to do. Trying to sort the funeral today. Just makes you realise how dangerous this virus is. Think people are getting a bit complacent.

    anyway sorry to be all doom and gloom. On a good note sun is shining so gonna jump in the pool in a bit and wake myself up a bit. I'm not posh, it's only an oversize paddling pool but the kids love it and I got a unicorn float to lay on lol.

    please take care everyone and hug your loved ones.... from a distance obviously haha. Virtual ones to you lovely bunch anyway.

    lots of love.... Dizzle xx


    Hi Dizzle,

    I am so sorry to hear your news about Jamie's Nan. This terrible virus has taken so many people who have had to be admitted to hospital for other ailments. This is a particularly difficult time to arrange a funeral. It is always a shock to lose a loved one so suddenly and, to find that you are now the senior generation of the family.

    All you can do is to be there for him. Encourage him to talk to you if possible, as you don't want him bottling this all up within himself.

    I hope that you enjoyed your stint in the pool - nothing better than nice cool water on a hot sunny day.

    I am delighted to hear that all went well with your scan. My son and daughter-in-law knew what sex their first baby was in advance, but did it as nature intended second time around and, with the benefit of hindsight, thought that this was better.

    You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Bless but like you say at least you can walk along beach got to take the lil wins don't we x