The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi Dizzel 

    all you feel is real and your through experience so no it is not wrong how you feel ️
    sad sign of the times Jamie can't be at the scan with you. Lots of yummy touching and feeling movement of his lil one will help ️
    bless lots of alone celebratory bdays happening time grab with both hand all we took for granted when things get better x

  • Happy VE Day peeps 

    bad :- no family with me to celebrate 

    good:- street party in our gardens. Wasn't sure when I'd be going out and then the blasting out of the all clear siren over the streets loud speakers ️ ️ ️ Lots music like the dam busters and more wartime singing than I know better than I thought not being born at the time. I've filled up a few times... and I'm also a bit tipsy. Pride and gratitude upmost in my mind for those who gave their today so we can have our tomorrows x

  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad :- same ol same ol... sigh

    good :- when I started isolating I said I wasn't going to do housework... reckoned if I was going to pop me clogs I most certainly did not want to waste one moment on cleaning. I'm heading into wk 8 so now I reckon my last statement was a truth but I've buckled and done hoovering nd dusting etc today :laugh: I'm surprised at how little dust there was nd hardly anything in the Hoover...., this leads me to believe visitors were to blame previously :laugh:

    stay well, stay safe and stay alert !?! Yup stay alert x

  • Hi Sandra
    No housework sounds good to me.....

    Positives from the lockdown..... I've knitted ten baby cardigans for charity, I've increased steps per day from 2000 to 5000, I've lost half a stone(intentionally), I've brought down my  average blood sugar to 6.5 as recommended by NICE, I've actually listened to the  birds singing in my garden, I've tidied and partly replanted the raised beds,  I've caught up on watching Spooks....oh and unintentionally I've grown my hair longer than it has been for five years ready for a change in hairstyle when the hairdresser is working again.


    Stay safe all.


  • Morning sundial ... how fab you have been so busy well done. I've been get my craft side on too. I've been keeping the weeds at bay ( still hate gardening tho). I've been doing a walk once a day... but my step count has stil halfed.... sigh. 

    my hair... ohhhhh dear. I normally get it cut every 6 wks. It was due a cut then went into lockdown so it's now overdue it's 2 nd cut.. fighting the repeated  bubbling up of the overwhelming thoughts of cutting it myself. It would not end good. 

    I have a black bird nest in my tree... there is one every year... see them coming nd going but not hear the cheep of chicks yet. 

    one daughter has been to work throughout other daughter has been furloughed but was messaged last night to say some are back from today and she is back to work next wk. Not sure how this is going to work re childcare. One lil one is in the group back to school  other is not. I'm their child care but we are told to not mix households... somethings gotta give. 
    look after yourself lass ️


  • Morning peeps 

    bad:- not sure how all this ease up of lockdown is gonna  actually work

    good:- it's blinking  Baltic here so gonna have a duvet day.... I'll catch up on my walking on Wednesday when I can apparently go anywhere when I like... hmmm

    i have a freezer ( not sure if this is good or bad tbh). I've not had one for coming up 4 yrs ( by choice). Stopped having one when realised I was only freezing half loaves of bread lol. Anyway with daughters gonna be both at work again.....this will put pressure on them doing lots of small shops for me... they landed at mine with a new freezer for me. They've stocked it to the brim so my shopping needs are now minimal. 

    stay well, stay safe, be alert ( your country needs lerts)

  • Evening peeps 

    bad:- ache from head to toe 

    good:- reason for my aches... I've treated my huge decking, steps nd seat. Took me 4hrs to do. Daughters say I will ache tomorrow.... I'm way ahead of that game lol.

    stay well, stay safe, be alert. X

  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad:- still aching 

    good :- bit warmer here today. Gonna put garden furniture back in place do a bit of weeding then read in garden. 
    Stay safe, stay well, be alert ️

  • Hi Sandra ...

    Bet your missing the kids, like me ... can cope with everything else, but missing nanny cuddles is the hardest ... think that freezer from yours is a wonderful pressie... that's coz your a super mum and nanny 

    Good ... weather is getting warmer, at last ...

    Bad... my granddaughter is back up London for her third round ... it's gonna be harsh .. strong chemo.. followed by radiotherapy ... so all her immune cells are gone ... then stem cell transplant and then two weeks wait to see if it's taken ... she's amazingly brave for 18 ... so she'll be isolated for 7 to 8 weeks please keep her in your thoughts, prayers... I've given her my boxing gloves so she can kick it's *** ...

    I couldn't even give her a hug, or see her while she's been home ... this carona plus cancer ... makes it even cruler ... I feel so helpless right now : (( ..   xx  

    Big vertual hug to you all ...  Chrissie  

  • Evening Everyone

    Big hugs Chrissie will pray for your granddaughter. I am sure she will use your boxing gloves just as you have.

    Nothing much has changed here on the East coast. A few Sunny  days people still not doing as they should like in most areas! Was late manager at work last Thursday so called all the staff to the front of checkouts to do the 8pm clap! Felt very emotional all shoppers also joined in. Then when we stopped  clapping some come over (2 metres away) and thanked us for what we are doing. Was so lovely. 

    Just had a quick catch up! Sandra hope your not aching to much now. Dizzle hope all is well. Billy hope you both are keeping safe. Everyone else please stay safe and of course a big hug to you all xx