The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Good morning peeps 

    bad :- feeling a lot like the film Groundhog Day... same day repeating. 

    good:- lil ones first tooth has finally dropped out bless her.  Made her a tooth fairy and both girls a book fold fairy house... they were buzzing. So was I, book folding is the most relaxing craft ever. Sit in garden, sip wine and fold paper.... loved it.  

    stay well, stay safe, stay in ️
    [[ ]]

  • Sandra ...Wow .. that is so beautiful ... my Emily lost a tooth last week, I'd have paid to have one of those houses for her ... Sandra... your talent shows no end ... but that's the best yet ...x 

    @Dizzle  ... oh wow , i do come on to catch up how your doing ... two little mirricals ... love your news .. it gives me my smile of the day ...

    Hope everyone is keeping carona free ... it really is like ground hog day .. nearly six weeks on in the big brother carona lock down ... couldn't take anymore of this so thought I'd toss my self out of the window ...  then realised I was on the ground floor ....    ;  ))   xx

    Big vertual hug to you all .... Chrissie xx

  • Ta muchly peeps ️

    bad:- daughter has asked if I'm not wearing my watch anymore... no .. no I'm not... time is currently meaningless  to me lol

    good :- FaceTime, texting, phone calls and everything that keeps us connected. 
    stay well stay safe stay in ️

  • Hello all. Hope everyone is keeping as well as can be. Dizzle - that is such a beautiful pic! We are all there with you virtually - a true gift and blessing.

    Still busy as ever working from home and getting fatigued. Sigh....

    Been doing a lot of calls to vulnerable ppl in the as a- really got to me how many terminal cancer patients there are, how many scared people there are and how strong some are with all they face in life. I hope speaking with silly me gave them a little moment of joy or understanding knowing they're not alone. I know so many people's kids lives, their lives and what's happening. They just wanted someone to talk to amongst all this craziness going on. Really got to me some days.

    Here's hoping us survivors can help others thru our experiences who aren't on this chat and keep going. Stay safe and stay happy. Sandra you truly are the most creative and talented person I know! Amazing.x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad:- same old same ol I guess

    good :- weather is soooo nice. Wine, book nd garden order of the day. 

    stay well, stay safe, stay in ️

  • Hi Sandra, 

    Sorry not been on for a while now been struggling a bit with bren, she's been like a zombie last few weeks. 

    She's just stopped some meds and things are starting to look good, bren can actually talk to me now and feed herself certain things.

    But it's a bit of a devil when you take someone off meds to get them better.. Figure that one out..

    Love to Sandra xxx, and of course all the others on here.. X

  • Good to hear from you billy .. sorry to hear things have not been as good as they could have been. Glad Bren is improving as the meds clear her system. 

    she'll be giving out yr orders soon :happy:

    hope you are well too x

  • Hi all,

    Jbains...that's a lovely thing you're doing for the vulnerable. I'm sure its much appreciated. Sorry you're going through a tough time with Bren Billy. Keep your chin up. 

    Had a nice long walk with Vinnie this morning in the sunshine. Got him some swimming nappies so he can go in the gigantic pool Jamie bought that takes up the whole garden lol. I had to celebrate my 38th birthday on the first at home with a bbq. Cant say it was the best birthday ever but Jamie's promised we will do something when lockdown is over.

    I found out on my birthday that mum has Corona virus. Is it wrong I felt nothing? I actually didnt care as horrible as it sounds.  She didnt bother with me when I was ill and she hasn't bothered with vinnie. Thats why I dont care. However I did text her to say hope shes ok. Thought I'd be the bigger person. Anyway not gonna put a downer on my good mood.

    Got my next scan on the 12th. Not very nice Jamie cant come with me as I think it's making him have less of a bond to this bump. Just cant wait for all this to be over and get back to normality. 

    Well continue to stay safe everyone and stay as sane as you can 

    Dizzle xx