The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Blimey beach ... gobsmaked.

    i don't know if its just the time I've been going but not seen any of that here. 
    Mind u on the local community group on fbook someone said the staff in our local shop( Morrison's) were miserable! Oh my the deluge of support for the staff and berating this person was so high they deleted the post. Not content it was gone people started their own posts to slate her. You all are doing a phenomenal job in extenuating circumstances ️ 
    has it calmed down now the lock down is in place? My daughter was in yesterday and said all shelves were full and only a few people in. 

    I've stockpiled nothing and don't have a freezer so just get bits and bobs now and then. 
    only thing I couldn't get last time I was there ...think just over a wk ago...was Yorkshire puddings... made my own bricks instead :laugh: so long since I made had to Pinterest how to lol. They were dire lol... come back aunt Bessie I miss you. 

    Look after yourself lass... your mum is so doing the right thing bless her. Lots of texts, calls and FaceTime way to go I think. X

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- So ... it's seems as things get worse, ventilators are less available and decisions have to be made to prioritise who gets...if I do become poorly and need I probably won't get cos I have hypertension.... bit of a wake up call ain't it!

    good :- all day in garden yesterday as the sun shone and it was warm. Had food, drank wine, and started to read a new book. My own bit of perfection.

    decided not gonna do housework cos what a waste of precious time  ( my excuse nd sticking to it lol).

    sundial, hope you are getting out into your sun room:happy:

    stay safe, stay well, stay in ️



  • I work for M as well and can say our staff are fantastic even though we have been sworn at and some people stand to close we just remain professional. I just walk away and get in my own space. But then you get lovely people who go out of their way to thank you for all you are doing which is lovely. Today was a better day but tomorrow when a lot of people get paid might not be so good! 

  • Hi beach 

    Well done what you are doing when you have so many idiots too put up with. I think some people have to have something to moan about. 

    Maybe you know why thares a panic on toilet rolls.?? I haven't a clue.

    Keep well and keep happy. 

    Love Billy xxx 

  • Hi Sandra. 

    Nothing new going on just like to say love the new avatar, just right now for What's going on in the world. 

    Love to you and all... Billy... Xxx 

  • Bless u r all doing a fantastic job ️

    Daughter just been t shops and got all she wanted. There was 13 in front of her in the queue but she was in the shop after 5 mins wait. 
    only problem is she she was there for hers, mine and her mother-in-laws shopping but due to limit on numbers couldn't get enough for us all,  so.,,, I'll wait till Monday and have to go myself.... so not all good. Not sure if they wanted her to go 3 different times or what. Anywhose...
    be safe me lovely nd look after yourself x

  • The lil ones are just accepting they have to stay in. Saw on fbook a mother saying how can they tell a 3 yr old they can't go out... they won't listen.... I despair at some of today's parents.

    look after yourself and your ladies... stay safe x


  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad:- the usual ... how sad it has become that

    good :- they have sorted something out for the self employed... big relief for my family. 

    Mechanic came to my house need new brakes, he text to say on way.. I put keys on table outside. He text to say done and how much.. I transferred the payment electronically. He dropped car back off and put keys through door. All done with no contact at all. Shame I now have to go out to shops cos wouldn't let daughter get what I needed ( was getting her shop, mine and her mother in laws) she was  not allowed 3 items the same.... sigh. She did tell them who she was shopping  for but still said no.

    stay well, stay safe, stay home x


  • Afternoon peeps 

    bad :- the same as yesterday 

    good :- well.....  what is everyone's thoughts on it right or is it wrong. Following on from everyone standing at their  doors and clapping... I've had a letter put through my door, the whole street has. It's entitled "come wine with me" . The idea is next Saturday everyone in street to put fairy lights in their front gardens. At 7 pm stand/sit in their front gardens with their favourite tipple and raise a  glass or 2 to each other. What yous reckon?

    stay well, stay safe, stay home x ️X

  • Hi Sandra, and everyone else,

    I think that sounds like a lovely idea.

    Hope you are all well and staying safe in these difficult times.

    I was in here a couple of months ago.  I ve tried a few times to respond to different posts but keep losing my post.

    I had one chemo session, then this all hit, developed a cough and next chemo delayed. Waiting for cough to go  hoping to get chemo next Friday, no temperature so think it's okay

    Bad - scary stories on media, we dont need that.

    Good -  I have a home, food on table and reduced income but still an income.  NHS.

    Had a wobble yesterday but better today, great what blue skies can do.

    Shame that irresponsible can spoil things for your daughter who it trying to support others.

    Hope you are all in good spirits.

    Sending kindest thoughts 

    Christine x