The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Morning Dizzel lovely to hear from you lass.

    Bless, sorry about yr dog but...we do sometimes have to make hard decisions and needs as needs must. Glad u will still get t see though

    hope u f feeling well and in yourself. 

    lots of virtual hugs being sent yr way ( couple of extra squeezes for lil Vinnie ️X

  • Morning sundial 

    I was at shops 2 days ago and tbh it was busy but not overflowing... I got everything I wanted ( including bread, nd a pk of hot cross buns yum). I went at 10:30 so not super early or anything. Mind I only buy for me and don't have a freezer so I don't do big shops anyway.

     Someone put a video on fbook of the next town over and the queue for the shop opening was around the huge car park and out along the road. I don't get why!

    meanwhile back in normal land.... I absolutely love your description of your daffodils.. thank you for sharing ️

  • Morning Chriss 

    delighted to hear about your granddaughters results... she's a fighter... go her ️

    gonna see lil ones tomorrow cos their daddy has work on next wk ( managed to bring some forward after last wks cancellations). They were supposed to be going to their other grandparents in Scarborough but we r worried lock down comes in place before they get back. So.. both will b at mine. I have a back garden that backs onto a small field ( that's always empty). I have a gate into it from garden so they can run up and down it no problem. 

    This the problem with schools closed and neither key workers so need child care for work. Self employed as yet the money the government is offering them is not enough to pay the bills so off t work they must go. So will see them but ... no hugs.. 6 feet apart order of the day.

    take care in these strange times lass x

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- same as everyone's .. covid19 

    good :- I am luckily one of these who take to solitude well. 2 wks of social isolation ( only been for food) and still happily pottering on. Yesterday spent the day blinging up 2 bed canopies for the lil ones bedrooms. Plenty of other things to keep me occupied so no boredom yet. I'm sitting in garden daily ( wrapped up warm) and conservatory .. onto my 2 nd book. 
    seeing lots on fbook about .. an apocalyptic world... then I go to shops or look out of window and see... normality ( so...long may it last). 

    Heard on news there is  £1 billion of extra food gone out of shops than normal.... sigh.... yup ..all I have is sigh.

    anyone got any recommendations for good programs t watch I'm all ears :)

    look after yourselves peeps and Happy Mother's Day to all be safe x


  • Morning peeps 

    hope everyone is keeping safe

    bad :- same as yesterday

    good : lil ones here for the wks at least. They did their daily mile in the empty field at the back of my garden. Reading, field work, money maths, literacy work all done. Late mince dinner just about ready then we will crack on again. Thank the lord for the packs the teachers have put up for us. Not gonna lie struggling a bit  balancing the schooling support between a 4 and 7 yr old. Easier if they had been twins lol

    take care peeps x

  • Morning  peeps 

    bad :- lockdown ( I know it's needed but sad that it is).

    good :- pretty much same as yesterday.. must be getting more organised cos finish same morning school work earlier than yesterday so girls have an hour post lunch to play. Then back to school work. Today that is crafts, exercise ( again) and story time. Oh the luxury lol. 
    take care everyone one x


  • Good (maybe) i noticed when our prime minister was on last night he said going shopping is still OK to do. So I'm going in morning to see how many people are still panic buying thares always some with no common sense they don't seem to realise the shops refill the shelves every day so thares no shortage apart from idiots grabbing everything they can.

    Bad :- I've got to take our Bella out for a walk now because our dog walker is worried about getting the virus and passing it around her customers.. Just hope my legs can stand it (arthritis in knees.) but she loves to go so not fair on her she doesn't understand what's go on.

    Hope everyone is as good as can be.. Love to all. Billy xxx 

  • Hope u got all u needed at the shops today. Be safe and keep as far away as possible from others.. your ladies need you x 

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- confusing gov info on shut down. Gov website initially said only key workers.. now says if you can't work from home you can go to work ( safely). Don't get me started on support for the self employed. People are going to work to feed their families ( so lack of choice) due to pathetic so called support. Independent self employed work has dried up because customers ( quite rightly)are isolating.  employers hiring contractors ( usually self employed) are driven by financial gain are keeping construction going. Disgusting. Everyone's life and financial demands is of equal importance. 

    good :- lil ones safely back at home ️ Will miss them but best place to be. 

    back to my alone time. 

    take care everyone. X

  • Evening everyone,

    sorry about your sister Chriss big hugs.

    such a crazy world we live in! Being on frontline in the supermarket will share what this last couple of weeks have been like. Panic buying absolutely crazy, toilet roll aisle is completely emptied within 10 minutes and that’s with restrictions on. Poultry they were taking out of the trays as I was trying to fill them. Tablets have a two boxes restrictions on all year round but people think that’s doesn’t work now and try to buy 6 or 8 boxes then get angry when you say you can’t have it. Customers stand so close to us that in the end I pull all my staff out of the aisle till they take what they want without us even putting on the shelves.

    Today barriers were put up and only 30 people allowed in at a time! Checkouts are every other one and floor stickers are in place where people should stand. Frontline and it’s just so scary.

    Haven’t seen my mum for two weeks she has self isolated herself and I don’t blame her really.


    stay safe everyone. Hope this all ends very quickly xx