The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Hi there Sandra and co ...

    Bad ... lost my big, little sister last week to dementure .. but relieved she's in no more pain, and back in the arms of our mum ... where she belongs and asked for so many times ..

    Good .. one of the last things I said was "I really love you, sis" and she looked in my eyes and said"and I love you more "  so that's the memory I take forward .. and remember those years long ago, where we had both families spending the whole day at the beach or picknic in the forest with the whole family ..

    Well hope everyone of those buddies on here are keeping well .. so glad your cough Sandra is on the wain  ... still take care .. bet your like me, I'm getting withdrawal from not being with the grand kids .. as oldest one who just turned 18 is getting ready for her second round of chemo for her leaukemia... so got to be extra careful there ... well sending caring hugs to all ... Chrissie xx 

  • No boredom for you either with that list of "to do" :)

    just back from shops and..... no empty shelves! Got bread, milk, meat, vegetables and everything else I needed. Shop was busy but not full and no one had trolleys filled to the brim. 

    Gonna get a cuppa nd sit in garden nd read again today. Once again isolated but plenty of fresh air ( probably a glass of wine later ;) )

    Tell yr Bren I'm asking after to you and your ladies. X


  • Oh Chris bless I'm sorry to be reading this. Hold the happy times close and know you had a shared love ️

    Heartbreaking to hear about yr granddaughter too. We think when we get the grown up they are safe only to have our legs kicked from under us. If strength could be boxed up I'd be sending a lorry load yours and her way. Virtual hugs sent both your way.

    My 2 lil ones stayed at mine for 5 wks while their new house was having work done - they went back home just over a wk ago. I've not seen them since but.... lots of FaceTime calls :D. Their daddy is self employed and all his work was cancelled last wk due to self isolating. So he did all the school runs etc. He has work for next wk ( if not cancelled) so they are off to their other grandparents for a wk in Scarborough. On the bright side got my house back to normal and can chillax for a while. 
    We are all social distancing so only going out t shops for food and my meds when I need them. Otherwise not physically seeing anyone. 
    it's the new norm for now... so no complaints happily doing what we need to. 
    bizarrely I woke up with a cough, coughed for half a day then blow me it cleared up and not coughed since! No temp never felt anything other than well so ... beats me what that was all about!

    Anywhose...look after yourself lass keep the home fires burning nd all that :) x

  • Hello all. Sorry to hear of your loss Chris. That's a beautiful memory to cherish.

    Yep this self isolating is quite hard. I'm on house arrest by my hubby and daughter. So another round of antibiotics, working from home for at least a month if not.longer. I've been watching Elite on Netflix- those are some very troubled Kids! It's in Spanish but have English subtitles. Thought I'd try something different. But on week 6 of whatever this is. Chest is definitely weak. But it will oass and is minor.

    How is Dizzle doing? And others? Are you on house arrest? Be careful out there. Shelves in our end are empty.  Hubby went out at 7am to sainsburys and most things were gone. It opens at 6am. But they are limiting people with staples so thats good.

    Had a big wedding in April so that is cancelled. Was looking forward to seeing family and distant rellies but guess it's life now. Just very sad at all those who have lost their lives too early.

    Stay safe and stay warm. 

  • Hi all,

    Just thought I'd check in amid this complete madness! 

    Chris' I'm so sorry to hear of your sister but smiled at that lovely final memory you have of her. Big hugs x

    Not in isolation just yet. My work has shut down. Everyone working from home, but that's what I did anyway so didnt notice any difference. My whole mothers day/4 year anniversary has been buggered up now due to pubs shutting, but I stocked up on rum, vodka, wine and cider so will just bring the pub to me lol. 

    Managing to get the odd bits of food but the shelves are shocking. Went to 3 different supermarkets yesterday and still no nappies or baby milk. Have some for a couple of weeks so not too worried but people are just being selfish. I found some tinned tomatoes at my corner shop and never been so happy! What has life come too?! Still dont get the whole toilet roll thing. Jamie's 87 year old nan has dementia and she had 9 rolls last weekend. Yesterday she was on her last. Can only assume the carers are helping themselves! If that's the case it's disgusting. Will be having words!

    Sadly I had to rehome my little doggy. Was the kindest thing to do as she wasnt getting the walks or attention since Vinnie and she a lovely dog who deserves the best. Shes give with an old school friend so I get regular update and she seems so happy. Had 4 walks yesterday and a chicken roast. I'm a little heartbroken but the best thing for her.

    Hope everyone stays safe. Luckily we have this forum to enable a bit of human contact lol. Big hugs to you all. .cyber ones of course. Anything else is too risky 

    Dizzle xx

  • Hi Dizzle and good morning. You know most of the ladies will still be getting their beauty sleep this weekend. 

    Yes things completely mad shops still stock up so why panic buy herd about a family yesterday completely filled two bedrooms with food and nothing wrong with them just panic. Hope you're party goes well tomorrow, the alcohol will definitely kill all the bugs off, as long as you drink plenty. 

    Why pinch toilet rolls and why panic buy them anyway. 

    Love to all.... Billy xxx 

  • Hi everyone

    My theory on toilet rolls. They're cheaper than tissues to blow your nose with and they flush down the loo so no double bagging needed. for the bin.

    Up here in.the midlands we can't get a home delivery for love nor money. There are empty shelves of not only toilet roll, but food particularly bread and milk. When you can get a delivery half your stuff doesn't turn up, My sister who is in her late seventies with underlying health issues managed to order  from Iceland but didn't even get any of her frozen goods, nor milk or bread. 

    We just have to take a day at a time. Something we on this forum have learned to be very good at. 

    Something hopefully to make you smile. The daffodils in my window box which I can see from my armchair are not worried about social distancing. They were kissing hugging and dancing in the sunshine this afternoon.

    Virtual hugs. Take care.


  • Good ....Sundial ....Love the dafodil story ... my smile of the day ...

    Thank you all for your thoughts ... much appreciated... xx

    Dizzle ... someone on 'this Morning' said he couldn't find baby milk anywhere .. then found it in the petrol station  in town ... maybe worth a try ... love to see the old Dizzle back ... your muched loved by our vertual family here ... 

    Sandra ... those little ones must be missing nanny hugs ... 

    Bad ... granddaughter starts second round of chemo on monday ... but a little rainbow in her blood result was really good ... shes kicking cancers *** ... so so proud ...  

  • Hi chrissie, good thought for you. Your granddaughter has got you as a perfect example about fighting and winning nomatter what. 

    Have you got her some pink boxing gloves yet. We know it'll be on your mind another family member with it, but you are and always will be a good strong example to follow. 

    Love to you and you're granddaughter from us all fighting for the same thing a good long life to all.

    Billy xxx 

    P.s I've been swearing this morning i had to keep rewriting it it kept deleting when i sent it. 

  • Hiya

    glad yr family's looking after you. I'm taking the social distancing really well lol. Enjoying the peace. Sitting in the garden or a couple of hours each day -even happy to get out there with a blanket, hot water bottle and cuppa with my book. It's something I've always done in the spring and autumn. 
    The stranger is fab if you haven't watched it so is lock and key. Throw some suggestions my way if u have watched anything good :)

    take care lass x