The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Sandra hope you enjoy your chillax time - shame about son-in-law. This will have a massive impact on all trades and businesses which will then bring upon a worldwide recession with no jobs, everything too expensive and the world in an even bigger mess. Hopefully health will be restored and this virus will be contained and as seasonal as flu with a vaccine for the vulnerable. 

    What I can't take is those who have bought In bulk and are reselling at an extortionate value. Human goodness and empathy is what this is all about - not taking advantage and selfishness.

    Work is a bug bear of mine due to the most ridiculous line manager I have ever cone across. It's hard enough trying to get back to working with all the chronic pain and fatigue but when I've been honest feom the beginning then where's the duty of care? Sorry bit of a rant but this is my life so hire me with listening to what I'm saying I can give. Sigh.....

    I finally after 3 years I got my results from my tumour from the 100,00 genome project people. All I care about is I do not have or carry any BRCA genes.

    I can feel myself getting progressively worse with this cold so guess Netflix will be getting it's use with self isolation. Stay warm and stay happy all.

  • Hi Sandra glad to hear your managing OK. 

    My girls are managing OK, Bella still on antibiotics for her bladder (have to keep changing her pate so she'll eat her tablets.).

    Brens still waiting for the new tablet for her parkinsons it's been nearly two months now checked with Dr other day nothing come through (specialist reckoned it would be through quick) we see him next month. No idea why he said no need to come again unless found something else wrong.??.

    Everything else is just plodding on normal as can be. 

    Love to all the lovely ladies on here. And extra kisses for Sandra. Xxxxxxx. Hope the others don't get jealous. Xxx 

    Billy xx 

  • Morning lass

    hope you are on the mend soon. Stick work do what is best for you. You've enough to be getting on with without them on yr back so file them in the pending tray.

    great news about your results ( albeit slow in coming). 

    Things like this virus bring out the marvellously good in some and scum of the earth in others. Used to think the apocalyptic movies were a bit over the top with human behaviour... apparently not. 
    crank heating up, hot cuppas, paracetamol, blanket, Netflix and open windows for a bit of fresh air order of the day for you I'd be thinking ️ Take care lass ️


  • Lol eee billy love your posts :)

    glad all is ticking away nicely for you nd yrs ( specialist needs a kick up the backside mind). 
    keep warm, keep safe and mmwahh big kisses to you nd yours X ️X

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- same as yesterday... sigh

    good :- day 3 in Sandra's house...and semi isolation is starting to take effect ( said like the voice over in the big brother house). 

    For the most part (other than a bit of gardening yesterday) I've done nowt, nixie, zilch, zero, nothing...other than laying around watching lots ( and I mean lots) of tv....sigh.

    So.. today - gonna do housework, put up my spring/Easter tree and bits nd bobs. Then a bit of knitting ( jumper each for lil ones... got sooo much wool so about time I got started). Well that's the plan ( actually..not  long since got up nd sitting having a cuppa at the min lol).

    We had started to go out for Mother's Day meals ( no gifts just meal and time together)...we have all agreed to cancel it this yr. Daughter landed here last night with an early gift.... a new ipad .. woo hoo. My old iPad had curled up and gone  to IT heaven 3 wks ago ... oh how I have missed it. I'm chuffed t bits. 

    Hows everyone doing?

    did the wardrobe installation go well sundial, beach how's work going are you managing to keep ya shelves full bless, Dizzel how you managing lass.

    hope everyone is keeping safe and having as good a day as you can x

  • Hi again Sandra. Got all normal weekly shop done, still cannot figure out why toilet rolls shelves completely empty.

    Some shelves a bit low but plenty left for anybodies "normal" shop.

    Brens started fancying mashed pots and baked beans. Don't mind as long as she's eating something.. She did have a fancy on cod in batter so i got plenty in and she's gone off them so guess what my meals going to be for a while. 

    Glad your taking it easy for a change. Love... Billy... Xxxxxxx 

  • Hi Billy 

    same here ( depending on time of day u go to shop). Here it the smaller discount shops that have plenty toilet rolls, hand sanitizer etc. 

    lol hope u like cod then. Your girls are lucky to have you. X

  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- got a bit of a cough but other than that feel fine.

    good :- yesterday got housework done nd Spring/Easter tree up and started knitting 1 st jumper. 

    got given a sewing machine a few wks back reckon I might get that out and give it a go. In my early teens I worked in a factory making all the seconds of sheets and duvet covers (obviously they didn't know they we're substandard ;) ). Reckon they had to close the seconds shop when I left cos they didn't have the stock :D

    Hope everyone else is well and having as good a day as they can x


  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- covid19... like we haven't had enough on our plates 

    good:- stopped coughing yay! 

    went t put something in bin yesterday and surprised at how warm with sun shining it was...New plan - sat most of day in garden with book and wine lol. Chatted at a distance over garden fence with neighbours ( world duly put t right :D ). 
    Not been t shops for a few days so.. need bread, milk etc.... let's see if my local shops are still ok with stock. 

    What's everyone else doing with their days?

    Have as good a day as you can and stay safe x


  • Morning my darling Sandra yes lovely sun yesterday, got some weeds up still plenty left to dig up. Hopefully grass will dry and get cut this afternoon. (by me of course).

    Then dust,. and vacuum while bren awake

    Your very lucky if i sat out pidgins tend to drop something on me, i think they use me for practice with my shiny top its a good target.

    Glad your not getting bored anyway. 

    Small shops seem to have stock in except milk. Good luck with shopping. 

    Love..... Billy... Xxxxxxx