The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Morning peeps 

    bad :- covid19 ... son I law is self employed - he has had this weeks work cancelled because the client is suspected covid19 and has to self isolate. Things are going to get worse.. very worrying for health, finances, care, loneliness etc :( 

    Grandaughters lil hands are drying out and becoming sore from all the additional hand washing.. so taking hand cream to school bless. 

    good:- I've not got it ( as far as I know). 

    hows everyone else doing, are you going on as normal. Are you managing to get all the supplies you need. People on fbook complaining they can't get things and shop shelves empty. I am going in same shops and not seeing this. Someone said they had just left a shop and no toilet rolls... I'd just come out of same shop and there was a mountain of them there. I'm not stockpiling just getting when needed and getting things no problem. 

    hope you have as good a day as you can. Keep safe. 

  • Hi Sandra having no problems shopping where we are. It's just silly people who haven't a clue. Normal healthy people haven't any thing to worry about anyway.

    We have a virus every so many years anyway just people panic more now.

    I've finally got rid of my last bug, just waiting for the next, (last cold took nearly a month to get rid)

    Glad you and hopefully everyone on here is good. 

    Keep well all love.... Billy xxx

    P.s shouldn't really do kisses to much health risk. Haha. 

  • Meh never one to turn down a x :)

    A lot of good people out there... there's been a number of groups locally set up of volunteers to do shopping etc. Leaflets have been printed nd put through doors with neighbours tel numbers on you can ring them for any help collecting meds, shopping etc. Food banks are cranking up stock so if schools close families don't worry about feeding the children... it will be delivered to their doors. 
    It's so good to see how good people are x


  • Good morning all


    Sorru struggling to find much. Wardrobes being installed today.....


    Can't get toilet rolls, hand sanitiser, soap, or  surface cleaner for love nor money. Tried all the shops and online. How are we supposed to follow guidelines if you can't get stuff! Getting ready to stay at home  as advised by the medics. Borh hubby and I have underlying health issues, Son still living with  us and still working albeit on reduced hours. Just concerned he'll bring the bug home. Have to  admit I'm a bit scared and paranoid.

    We will have to sing across the internet like the Italians are singing on their balconies. Take care all,


  • Morning all. Hope everyone is keeping as well as they can. This is all getting out if hand and we all just need to be helpful to those that need it. The panic buying is silly as this is here for the next 4 months or so and there are those who can't bulk buy who are vulnerable so very unfair.

    I am down again with sore throat and slight temperature - was fine all last week. Sigh.....

    Lots of other bugs going around as well and it's still flu season. Here's hoping there aren't any more loved ones gone or seriously ill. We have enough on our plates having cancer, surviving with side effects and other health conditions which are chronic. Stay warm, get lots of sleep and enjoy every day.xx

  • Hi and morning to all. The world's gone mad. As long as someone has normal immune system and take precautions they will be OK it's the panicking that's the problem.

     people with other things wrong have to be careful but the healthy ones are grabbing everything in sight why stock pile toilet rolls,??

    Hope everyone manages OK and can weather the storm. Our shops are OK stock wise think all the ideots have stocked up now so normal shopping can continue. (we hope).

    Were just continuing on as normal always have food in freezer, fridge and pantry so no bother.

    Love to all.... Billy xxx 

    P.s   sundial hope they still fit your wardrobes.and do a good job. X

  • Morning sundial

    well it's not paranoia if it's real though is it.

    Our shops up here seem fine (depending on what time you go) went yesterday 5:30 pm for potatoes ( forgot t get in the morning when I was there) shelves that had been full in the morning were empty. Been this Morning  all full again so potatoes got. Shops around here that have loads of the things you mentioned are B&M, Wilkinson, Poundland etc. 

    thing is now those over a certain age and in certain risk groups having to isolate for 3 months  ( for now) well to me that changes stockpiling to stocking up. I know there is online shopping but not all are technically capable or have the technology to do so. Nice to see shops are now doing elderly opening hour though. 

    delighted your wardrobes are being fitted today - you be excited about it lass you deserve a bit of joy all you have had to deal with these last few months ️X

  • Morning me dear 

    Bless felled again ️ Sadly those are also symptoms of covid19 so you be careful and if you feel too bad get help don't try to ride it out yourself. 

    all this extra buy it makes u wonder how much waste there is with it all. Grocery shops profits must b through the roof while others are sinking into oblivion. Lots of pubs up here are now doing their menus as takeaway... this will undoubtably an impact on the regular takeaways here. 
    Many businesses will not be able to ride this out sadly. Here tanning shops are not opening, groups like craft groups, exercise classes and Scouts/beavers etc closed until further notice. 

    We are worried because it's worrying times .

    anywhose lass sending you (virtual) sterile hugs and hope you get a break and this bout passes quickly for ️


  • Morning Billy 

    words of wisdom right there :)

    I shop little nd often because need fresh things as don't have a freezer. 

    luckily shops here seem fine ( depending on what time you go). 

    you look after yourself and your ladies x

  • Afternoon peeps

    Bad:- Worried about son in law who is self employed and had 3 more jobs cancelled due to clients self isolating. This means no income for him. 

    good:- lil ones no longer staying at mine they are back home. Their rooms just need finishing touches like pics up etc. 
    Due to son in law not working (bad) he is doing school runs etc so I'm free to chillax. Accordingly I have done a bit of gardening and just about to have dinner in the sun ( yes it's sunny and warm here)...even gonna have a glass of wine. 

    have as good a day as you can peeps x