The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X



    Hi Dizzle,

    Like Sandra and many others, I am concerned that we haven't heard from you. Can you please let us know how you are either on the forum, or by private message if you'd prefer. 

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Good afternoon everyone, 

      Just popped in to see how you all are. 

    Sorry to read about your brother Sandra sending you a big hug. Hopefully Dizzle will be on here soon so we know she is ok and Cornish miss her as well. 

    My mum is the same results on 9th March. Work well had my interview and now have to wait till next round of one to ones to hear the out come. Stay were I am, get moved stores, what job or if redundant. These start 28th feb so not long now. 

    Sending you all a big hugs xx 

  • Hello everyone,

    I've come on here for the first time in ages and am actually overwhelmed with how much people care. When you're in a dark place it's hard to realise that you're actually thought of. I'm so sorry for worrying all your lovely people but I did actually having a bit of a mental breakdown when I wrote that last post. I guess trying to be so strong all of the time, cracks are eventually going to show. It's been a mixture of things...the person who nearly killed me through domestic violence has been trying to contact me through facebook with made up accounts...his restraining order ends next month after 3 years so I'm naturally nervous, constantly anxious about vinnies heart, every ache and pain I get I think I'm dying. My panic attacks have been awful. However, I've had doctor intervention and been on medication for a bit now. I feel a lot better and Vinnie is still the happy little boy I know and love. I make sure I'm never sad around him. As always, jamie has been my rock. Thank you all so much for caring I feel selfish I've not acknowledged anyones posts, I've just been in my own little dark bubble lately....but I do hope everyone is as good as they can you care for me, I also care a lot about all you lot. Love to you all.

    Dizzle xx

  • Oh Dizzle I'm just so glad you've responded! That's alot to deal with but I'm glad you've had medical intervention. We all do genuinely care. Our club is unique and we don't give up on anyone. A massive big virtual hug to All! 

    It's alot to just move on after all we go thru but you've had so much to deal with extra but you're admirable. Never forget your strength.  We all have complications to deal with and life is never the same but we are where we're meant to be and have to deal with these curve balls. You got this!!!

    Nothing in life is simple - that's what I think and feel. That beautiful gift from God is there to remind you how special and strong you are. It's ok to have wobbles - we all do. I am one never to admit defeat but had to have counselling amongst other things and it's taken 3 yrs to get where I am. So keep going and remember how much we all love you and are all made of tough stuff. Life is tough but so are You!

  • Think you are amazing .. I know how dark those places in our heads can become ..but remember ..

    Your braver then you believe .. stronger then you think .. more beautiful then realise ... and loved more then you know ..Chrissie....  


  • Hi Dizzle it's lovely to see you back into the fold. I'll have to be careful what i say or hubby might get jealous. But really missed you. As have plenty of your friends please keep coming on so we know your OK and Vinnie of course. Big hugs cuddles and a kiss (on the cheek of course). Love..... Billy xxx 

  • Morning beach me dear .... oh I am so at one with your current work predicament... when I worked we restructured every 2 yrs and always has to apply for our own jobs! 4 times I had to do this... glad I'm retired now. 
    I'll do what I did for mine and keep everything crossed you get sorted the way you want. Stress don't even cover it does it. 

    hugs to you nd ya mam ️. If it's feeling a bit much you know where we are x

  • Oh my such a relief hearing from you lass ️ Welcome home amongst your friends.

    so glad you went to your gp... think was most certainly the best option. 
    well everything else.... sod  it... and sod them all. You have moved on ... pity and stick those who haven't- what a sad life they must have.

    you know we always,alway have ya back lass. When you feel low and in a dark place we are here and we will listen and we will happily call and give those against you a piece of of our mind. Just say the word nd I'll get me coat on.... they do not want me t get me coat on ;)

    biggest of virtual hugs to you nd yours. Raise a little smile out of Vinnie for me ️ 
    Did I say ... how absolutely pleased I am to hear from you ️ Take care lass x


  • Thank you for all your kind words. You're all so right in what you say and now I'm almost back to my usual self I can see that now. Sad that after 4 years that loser still hasn't moved on, still in and out of prison for doing the same things to other woman. Some people just have no hope lol. What an idiot. My children are my main focus and I have lots to look forward included on the 4th of sept. I'm joining slimming world tonight. It didnt work for me 10 years ago but willing to give it another go to lose the 2 stone I put on through treatment/pregnancy. I'm always too nervous to go to things alone but thought sod it....I've noone to go with but I'm doing it anyway. In other news....Vinnie is really trying to crawl. I know you've missed the pics so here's an update. Thank you all so much again for your love and honestly dont know how much it helps xx

    [[ ]]

  • P.s Sandra....I have quite a few people I'd love you to put your coat on for. Will bear that in mind lol xx