The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • Just seen on the news ..

    There  will be no Santa this year ....    ....  ive heard he's got the sack ......  ; )) 

    A little lightness in the hard days ...  still trying for a smile a day ...

  • Well .... I'm chuffed t bits for Bella. Lot of anxiety nothing tho... bless. 

    my 2 lil ones nd their nana have had the same... it floored all of them. Their nana was off work 3 wks! So look after yourself Billy ️X

  • Hi to all both of us OK, bug finally gone, Bella typical teenager being a bit nuisance. All the carer's love her plenty of cuddles. Hope everyone is well as can be and ready for Christmas, not long now...... Love Billy xxx 

  • Wow both still got a brill immune systems ( lil ones nana is back t work but still not right nd she is heading into her 4 th wk). 

    Great to hear u r both on the mend :)

    yup I'm all ready for Xmas... just waiting to get here lol.

    are u all done yet  x

  • [[ ]]Morning all

    bad :- daughters house move being a bit of a pain. She said wks ago if not moved by this Friday she wouldn't move till new year. Her buyer rang to say they had letter saying will b moving Friday but daughters solicitor says still 1 outstanding query on the house she is buying. Looks like it's gonna go t the wire... hey ho will know 1 way or other soon. Lil ones are asking why they don't have an Xmas tree bless. 

    good:- took lil ones t local woods for them to make reindeer- they loved the hands on nd only £5 each to make ️ They look great in front of their house:). 

    have as good a day as u can peeps x


  • Hi Sandra got useless immune system were both drugged up to the eyes it's only way, we are tyred and giddy but it's nearly gone..

    Love the raindear good idea sort of thing young ones love to do.. Hope you're OK. Love... Billy xxx 

  • Good afternoon everyone hope your all as well as can be.  Mum saw the consultant Monday who is now arranging for mum to have lung function tests and heart tests done. Ct scan this Friday. So no farther forward just got to take it easy wait for appointments to come through then back to see him for all the results. 

    My oldest son came home for a couple of days always good to see him. A bit teary  now he’s gone home. Thankfully Christmas tree now up, can’t believe two weeks today will be Christmas Day!! 

    Hugs to you all xx 

  • Morning Beach. And all, still struggling with cold nearly gone, carer's coming in with colds don't help, bren had short term memory test yesterday didn't do very well, have to see what they say about results probably next year. Hope all as well as can be.... Love Billy xxx 

  • Hi beach... lovely to hear from u me dear ️

    You more than most know how the wait for results takes its toll on us bless. Just sit by that tree of yours with some festive alcohol and toast your past successes. Look to another success with your mam in the new year ️

    bless we do miss our kids when they aren't at home don't we... gotta look forward to the next time you see him. Is he coming to yrs for Christmas. 

    I will raise a virtual festive glass with you... cheers me dears ️X

  • Hi billy hope another day a bit closer to being rid of that cold of yours. 
    glad Bren has had her assessment... going with it went exactly as you expected because you are experiencing it every day bless.

    are you finding it a little easier now you have your carer's coming in. Please tell me you finding a little you time ️ X