The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • I will be thinking of you tomorrow Dizzle.

    I would love to be more involved with my grandchildren but we live in the Midlands and they live in Brighton. We do see them as often as we can though and it is a real treat. I really cannot understand your mum but everyone is different I suppose.

    I had to take my hubby of the co-codamol the doctor had given him for his hip as he was sleeping all the time and was sick last night to back to the paracetamol. I really hope he bucks up soon as we are supposed to be going down to Brighton for my birthday in 10 days!

  • Just popping by to say good luck tomorrow dizzle.....will be thinking of you! Shame on your mother....she's the one missing out for sure...


  • Hi Dizzle..

    Just wanted to say thanks for finding that thread ... I never asked you if it's o.k to chat about you on here .. but your such an inspiration ... that cancer better keep clear, coz I've got my boxing gloves at the ready, and it will have all of us right on its tail .. how dare it ... 

    It's hard to believe how your mum can turn her back ... she should hang her head in shame .. and it's her loosing out .. my grandkids are my life .. and they give far more back then we imagine .. so we'll all be surrogate nannies for both your babies .. 

    My eldest son fell out with me because l crossed swords with his then nasty wife ... I've tried so many times .. today included to tell him how much l love him .. and miss him .. and I'll wait forever ... on my masectomy, l looked at my ward doors, just preying he'd walk through .. but his ex did a good job of turning him away ... but you know Dizzle... we both tried ... we can hold our heads up high .. and know we tried .. it's their loss ... l won't dwell on it .. coz I know my door is always open .. 

    We have so much love and caring on here that it helps rationalise things ... we are stronger because of it ..  so fingers crossed for your appointment ... sure well be vertually walking right behind you ... 

    Big vertual hug... Chrissie xx

  • Hi Sandra...

    Well do envy you living close to those grandkids... mine is a 56 mile round trip .. but race up there soon as I'm needed ... had my two little ones for 3 days .. totally knackered but oh so happy ... 

    Well hope your all doing o.k and kicking cancers butt ... keep looking up at the stars .. and not down like cancer wants us too ... Chrissie

  • Hi dragonfly46 have you thought about cbd oil I've been having bad pain in both my legs pain killers weren't touching it I'm not taking much but it helps a lot i checked with my specialist he said as long as i don't notice any side effects i should be OK only been taking two drops every two days been on oil about a month now, just a thought if struggling with other things. Good wishes.


  • Hi Chrissie,

    Of course I dont mind. Im happy to be of any help to anybody :-)

    I will never understand my Mum, or my older sister (very similar creatures) I can only put it down to jealousy that their lives are so rubbish with rubbish men so dont like to see anyone else happy. Theyve always been the same. It hurts every now and then but like you I tend not to dwell on it. I just get little bursts of anger every now and then. She will do anything for my younger sister and her kids but when it comes to me, she doesnt wanna know. She said to my auntie once "Oh its different with larelle (my younger sister) as im still with her dad (who is an evil vile thing who she allowed to make her other kids lives a misery)" but what difference does that make? Still both her daughters. my angry head on again haha. Your son will regret his behaviour one day without a doubt, least you can say you tried!

    Thanks Dragonfly & Marlyn for the good thoughts. I have told myself all is gonna be fine so im happy to go with that :-) And I hope hubby is good for Brighton Dragonfly. Love that place. Not jealous at all :)

    Dizzle xx

  • Aw ta muchly 

    i know I’m blessed and take nothing for granted. 

    Your mothers loss. Sometimes just gotta turn away from the negativity... the only times she has touched your lives recently has been toxic. I don’t understand her or why she is like this.... but do know you are better off without her.

    you have your forum friends nd forum mams.... we got ya back lass. 

    Good luck for tomorrow will be walking by your side virtually   ️

    Enjoy ya food ... nd wine tonight .... hold em close that lil family of yours lass x ️X

  • Being so close has its perks ... I know how fortunate I am. they once asked me how I would feel about them emigrating to Australia.   I didn’t blink nd asked them how they would feel about me living with them there :D:D:D .  Lol I would not do this... I would always always support them in anything they want to do. :-) 

    so sorry to hear your hubby has had to stop the meds ... surely there is something else they could give him. Need him sorted for your lovely bday trip. Bet yo are as excited as :-) x




  • Hi chrissie

    i know mind you I don’t live as close to them as my son in laws mam does she is just 10 doors away from them :-) 

    she doesnt help with the child care ( cos she works full time still). 

    I just bet you are tucked... it’s tiring work.... but it’s also just the best :-)

    me nd my daughters are close. We text every morning just to say good morning nd have a good day.... if someone misses ... oh my nd rescue is initiated.

    when I worked they text asking about something but I was in a meeting so had phone switched off... when I switched it back on there was a multitude of texts asking each other if they knew where I was nd why I wouldn’t be answering then the last one said.... she’s at Durham so will be in a works meeting.... I’ve just done find my iPhone  for her phone! They were right but seriously...guess it’s nice in a stalking kind of way lol . X

  • Hi billy

    hope you are still managing a good nights sleep. Hows your wife doing... as well as can be expected I hope