High my names Julie, I have terminal bowel cancer with liver mets, found out in 2015, chemo worked well to shrink the liver mets, enough for the liver surgeons to resect the left side of the liver, I then had coils inserted into the dividing artery allowing the left side to regenerate, I then went back in to surgery to have the right side of the liver respected but unfortunately after opening me up one of the mets had grown to much for them to do this, I think a combination of no chemo for six months and hospital delays because of no ward or high dependency bed probably contributed to this ( which is out of any ones control ) so now I'm back on a slightly different chemo and cea results are coming back down, Yet to have a scan, I'm on chemo no. 5, if the mets shrink again I may have some sort of radio therapy where they put probes into the tumours and kind of microwave them, but it's just a wait and see game, I've been very lucky, as I have never felt ill, or been in any pain, only after surgery of course, will keep all posted on any news xxxx