I'm 47 years old and have had cancer 3 times, the first two were removed by surgery and no radiotherapy or chemotherapy so apart from having nasty scars on my neck and throat I'm lucky, but this time it's stage 4 liver cancer. I was medically discharged from the RAF in 2004 after serving 12 n half yrs, I'm single well divorced 2 kids who've grown up now. For the past month I've had to endure lots of burning cramping stabbing pains in both my shoulders. Now I've been placed in a hospice for a couple of weeks just so they can sort out my medication to ease all these terrible pains I'm getting. A week ago I had a bone scan and a CT scan I'll get the results next week so I'm hoping they're ok and these pains are nothing, but, on the other hand if it's worse then I'm in the right place with the right people to support me. Thursday of last week I was told the results of my bone and CT scans and it has shown I have bone cancer on one of my vertebrae on my spine which is causing me all sorts of problems with mobility I'm feeling down and depressed