Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • My oncologist gave me a prescription for diprobase cream.  I can use it in the morning before I go as long as it's absorbed :-) number five done and starting to look a little pink .

  • Thanks Daisyboo, I will look into that. x

  • like Daisyboo, I was given Diprobase cream by the radiotherapy team, use twice a day to keep the skin moisturised, I had dose 6 today and can't see much difference yet, nice to compare notes and advice, please all continue as every little helps!

    Shirley xxx

  • Hope your last session of the week goes well for you and that you have a nice relaxing weekend.

    Take care


  • Hi

    Thanks, hope you have a good one too, just going to get my 8th session this afternoon, then a nice relaxing weekend, so have a good one.


  • Hi, I had left WLE and SNB. I  am on day 6 of 15 radiotherapies (just a bit pink and achy at the moment) have already had 7 weeks off work and have a sick note covering another 7. The hospital is a 60+ mile round trip. I drive 10 miles, catch a charity bus to the hospital, have treatment for 10 minutes, wait for bus, then drive myself home again. I am out of the house more than 5 hours each day, so there is no way I could work. I have a very heavy job so I would not be fit to do it anyway as I can still only manage to lift the kettle. Hope your hospital is much nearer. Good luck x

  • Hi Daisyboo You seem to have quite a journey to get your treatment, my husband does the driving which is great as I find the journey quite tiring, in all there and back takes nearly two and a half hours. I was signed off for 4 weeks after my op in February and now work 5 hours every day, finishing at 1, the doctor signing me off under amended hours working. I have noticed the last couple of days my skin in pinking up and getting quite sensitive, especially where the seabelt touches, all to be expected though. Have a good weekend Shirley x
  • Hi,

    Another week over for you then, enjoy your two zap free days!

    Sorry, but a bit of a rant coming up now...

    My appointments came through today and the 15 x 3 sessions are being done at a totally different hospital to where I had been going and is almost 40 miles away from home and over 50 miles away from  work!! The oncologist didn't mention this other hospital at all on Monday and we even discussed how convenient it was that I work so close to the hospital where we had our meeting. I called them but, after consulting with colleagues, had a call back to say that they could not change me back to the original hospital as it was fully booked up and I would have to go to this other place after all.

    To add insult to injury, they had also booked me in for 20 sessions instead of 15 but, having doubled checked, admitted that it was their mistake and they will be sending me a revised schedule shortly!

    As you can imagine, I am not happy about all this and am now going have to rethink whether I can work at all whilst having the treatment. I would like to try but my work is in the opposite direction to this "new" hospital so the daily round trip will be pretty horrendous, never mind if any side effects kick in as well.

    I really think someone could have warned me that this might have been a possibility.

    Still, my first session is not until 13th May so I have just under a month to calm down (!) and decide what to do about work in the meantime. I understand that they are changing some poor souls over from one hospital to the other mid-treatment which would be much worse for them so I guess I can count myself lucky in a way?

    Apologies, rant over now!

    Take care and I hope next weeks goes as well for you.



  • Gosh, that is terrible news, no wonder you are having a rant. I really sympathise with you, but looks like there is not a lot you can do. Hopefully you can get your head round these changes before your sessions start? Have a restful weekend and think positive. Shirley x
  • Hi Shirley,

    For some reason your last post didn't come through until after I had sent my rant so sorry to hear that your skin is starting to react now and I hope it doesn't get too uncomfortable for you.

    Thank you for bearing the brunt of my you say, there isn't a great deal I can do about it, it is what it is.

    Take care x