Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • Hi,

    As promised, a quick update after my Oncology appointment this afternoon.

    Saw the registrar who explained the whole process etc before I signed the consent form.

    Was not given a choice of number of sessions, it will be the standard 15 x 3. I did question this but was told they only do it this way as any other combination has not been proved to be any more beneficial!

    I asked about any trials but was told that in my area there were no suitable ones where I would fit the criteria so unfortunately I won't be joining you on that partciular route. 

    Again, was not offered a choice for the hormone therapy and I was given a perscription for the first months dose, which I will start once the radiotherapy has been completed.

    No dates for anything yet, but will be sent a schedule either later this week or next for the planning, bone scan and daily sessions which, as you said, will probably start a couple of weeks after the planning date.

    So, some progress today and I look forward (if that's the right term) to getting the schedule soon.

    All the best for tomorrows planning session.xx




  • Hi, I have just had my 5th session of radiotherapy, 20 to go! 

    I am driving a round trip of 30 miles to and from work, working from 8-1every week day, seem to be managing ok, so far.  I have been making sure to eat healthly, multigrain bread, boiled eggs, cheese, loving angel delight!   My husband does the driving to and from the hospital, so that is quite relaxing,

    I booked my appointments for 3pm every afternoon, gives me time to get home from work, get changed and have a coffee before the 50 mins drive to the hospital, I am sure we will get bored over the next few weeks goimg back and fore.

    regards Shirley

  • Hi Shirley,

    Good to hear from you and I delighted that you are finding things are going OK, that's great news.

    Although I have family & friends around, I still find it quite lonely doing all this by myself so you are very lucky to have a lovely hubby to do the driving and to chat to along the way.

    Having said that, I actually work very near the hospital so I can choose either a 20 min walk or a 5 min drive, which is handy, and then I can come straight home afterwards. I have asked for my sessions to be between 4pm & 5pm so I'll see how that goes.

    As one of side effects can be a feeling of sunburn, I thought I'd prempt it today by sitting out in the garden with a good book for a couple of hours. I probably overdid it a tad and am now a bit pink but, what the hell, it was just lovely to be out in the sunshine!

    Take care and hope things continue as well as they've started for you.









  • I finished radiation one month ago. My doctor recommended going on disability. I did for 7 weeks. My skin got stingy in some areas and I felt some fatigue. I could have worked but I recommended not if you can. You can use time to focus and reconnect with yourself. Also naps help. I walked up to 3 miles a day even though tired. I recouped faster I think.
  • Hi there,

    Thanks for that and I am gad to hear you are recovering well.

    Because I had shoulder surgery just before all this fun started, I have already had a lot of time off work so it is quite nice to get back to some sort of normal routine. Will see how it goes and I can always opt out again if it gets too much.


  • Yes about 3 weeks into rad's you start noticing effects especially if chest is large. Mainly the area underneath. I hope it goes smooth for you. If you can, juice veggies and some fruit for instant pure vitamins. May help skin recover quicker. Also 100% organic aloe oil is good on skin.
  • hi Susu,

    radiotherapist advised me to not get the sun anywhere near the treated area for the whole summer and if I did wear a top exposing any of the area, to use factor 50!  so watch your skin!

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for the kind warning and I imagine l'll be told the same thing but thought I'd sneak some sun in now before the treatment starts!

    Not very wise maybe but it seems to have helped all the scars and I have since slapped on the E45 so shoud be ok. Having spent the last few months shut away in the house, I just couldn't resist it!




  • Others have also warned not to use E45 once you start the radiotherapy as the skin is so sensitive and cause a reaction, sorry to scold, but better being aware!! I would love a bit of sun on my skin too, so know how you feel xxx
  • Please don't worry about scolding (as you put it) I honestly really appreciate all your help!

    That's very interesting though because I asked if the hospital gave out any creams or lotions with the treatment and was told that they don't but she then recommended E45 to me.

    Sorry to bug you but do you mind me asking what you use instead? 
