Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • Hi Susu, thank you for your concern, I really appreciate that you are thinking about me at this difficult time, have a great weekend x



  • hi Susu, hope your weekend was good, we have had quite a bit of snow today, just the opposite from last Saturday when it was scorching!     Met with my brother and sister in law today, was good to discuss my niece and her awful diagnosis, she seems to be coping and being very positive and is looking at alternative treatments, so that is comforting.  

    Glad you got some Diprobase cream, I find it great and as you say, you would have had to wait for ages to get a doctor!  thank you for your concern,  Shirley x

  • Hi Shirely,

    Snow? Oh yes, you're in Scotland aren't you. We had a bit of drizzle and then a lovely afternoon & evening - sorry!!

    So glad you had a good chat with you brother and sister in law and good to hear that your niece is coping well. All you can do is continue to support each other as best you can in such an awful situation.

    My Mum is having a major spine op on Thursday and in a effort to do stuff before then she managed to break her elbow on Friday! Fortunately, I still had the comfy sling I used over Christmas for my shoulder op so it's now helping to keep her arm protected, along with strict instructions from us not to do any more housework! Have just been over to do them a meal and hopefully she will now rest up for Thursday.

    Take care and good luck with this weeks zapping xx


  • Your poor mother, all the best for her op.  

  • Thank you very much, she had her pre-op assessment today and they didn't seem bothered about the elbow so she's all set now. Will be tying her to a chair between now and then so she doesn't do any more damage before Thursday! x

  • Hi Susu, first of all, best wishes for your mum's oP tomorrow.    Just had zap number 16, so only 9 more to go, must say that I am still feeling pretty good. I expected to be feeling quite tired and fatigued, but still managing work every day.   The breast getting zapped is feeling a bit tender and a bit pink, but overall I am very pleased with how things are going and may this continue. Shirley  x

  • Hi,

    I was thinking of you today and up popped your message!

    I'm so pleased that the treatment is going so well for you, that's really great and, as you said, long may it continue.. with everything else to think about you certainly don't need any more worries at the moment do you.

    Thank you for the good wishes, I've just spoken to my Mum and will be going to see her over the weekend. Have everything crossed at the moment.

    Take care and happy zapping xx


  • Hi Shirely,

    How are you doing, bet you're looking forward to the long weekend and I hope you have some good things planned?

    My Mum's op was postponed to this morning in the end as they wanted to re-do some tests first but it's all done now and I will be seeing how she is over the weekend.

    Take care of yourself. xx


  • Hi Susu, glad your mum has had her op, hopefully she will recover quickly, best wishes to her.   

    Not a lot planned for the weekend, the weather is not looking good, so might have to visit a few garden centres and have coffee and cake!

    Seems unreal that I Finnish my treatment a week on Tuesday!  The time has flown by.  Had a meeting with the radiographer yesterday, she was saying the peak time of the radiotherapy is about 2 weeks after treatment finishes, as it builds up in your system, maybe that's how I feel so good just now!

    Have a great weekend, Shirley x

  • Coffee & cake.......what a great plan !

    I have everything crossed for you that you don't get hit by the effects after the 2 weeks you mentioned. My neighbour had 37 sessions (for a different cancer) and had no side effects whatsoever so here's hoping you and I are as lucky.

    Happy gardening, x