Radiotherapy Side Effects

Hi there,

I am due to meet an oncologist next week to discuss radiotherapy ater having bilateral WLE & SNB

Please could you let me know what side effects you had and were you able to work during & after your treatment?

Thanks a lot



  • Hi Susu

    Interesting about the skin on the back, the way my machine is set....I am on a trolley and the machine arms move around me, the angle the head is set at means it only targets the breast, so if you can imagine lying flat with your arms above your head, the machine head goes way down under my left armpit pointing diagonally up and across only picking out the mound of the breast, then it moves round to my right side, diagonally pointing to the other side of the breast, so basically it is only targeting the breast area, quite a machine, though it has broken down twice in the last 2 weeks!

    I had my 11th zap today and felt so food, I am just back from a 45 minute cycle! although most nights I just sit knitting and watching telly, but the sun is shinnng and it felt great, I will probably sleep well tonight!

    take care

    Shirley x


  • Hi Shirley,

    Thanks very much for that and great to hear you're feeling so good. Not sure I could manage a 45 minute cycle ride at the best of times, good for you! Hope I catch you before you nod off.. (Mind you I am not far behind myself, I went full time this week at work and it's rather taking it's toll)

    Great timing with your post too so thank you for that. I am off for my treatment preparation session tomorrow so it was very interesting to hear from you about how the machine actually works (when it's not broken) and I shall compare notes with what I am told tomorrow.

    Take care and I hope tomorrow and Friday go well. xx




  • Hi Sally,

    How did you get on with the doctor on Monday? I hope it went well for you, and also your hard fought scan yesterday...

    Take care x


  • Hi Susu, 

    the doctor didn't really have much to tell me on Monday as everything now hinges on the PET scan results.  She did say if no further cancer shows on it they will go ahead and remove the breast lump after I've finished the radiotherapy on my skull/neck, which finishes on Tues.  Since then I've developed a pain in my back and collarbone and obviously am now thinking the worst (as you do)!  My husband keeps telling me to stop driving myself mad.  If it is the bad news they will do chemo, however they are trying to 'save' that due to the chemo like drugs I'm already on for my lupus, so I guess it's fingers crossed!  

    I've been reading about a lady that was given a terminal diagnosis three years ago and is still going strong and now in remission.  She takes a drug called LDN and when I started researching I found a youtube video of Dr Chris Steele from This Morning asking people to sign a petition to get this drug licensed for use in cancer and autoimmune disease. (It's currently licenced for use with opiate abuse).  I've since viewed numerous success stories so I'm going to speak to a Dr about it as I understand it can be obtained privately and is relatively cheap. 

    Hope you're doing ok, have you started the radiotherapy yet? X

  • Hi Sally,

    I hope you don't have to wait too long for the results of the PET scan and obviously that it is good news for you so that they can remove the lump asap. I too felt all sorts of aches & pains while waiting for results and, like you,  thought dreadful thoughts but they all came to nothing in the end and I put it down to stress, so I think (on this particular occasion at least) you should listen to your husband!!

    Good to hear that you are looking at other drugs that might help you. It's all very well to follow the normal route but if you can find something that does it better, go for it I say.

    I had my radiotherapy planning session today but the treatments don't start for another 3 weeks yet. All was fine except that the shoulder I had surgery on just before Christmas froze while in the arm rest and I couldn't then move it - ouch! In the end they took the arm rest off the table and I was then able to roll onto one side to sit up and then gradually get my arm moving agan. What a carry on!  

    Good luck with the rest of your treatments and fingers crossed for your results.

    Take care xx 


  • Hi Shirley,

    As you can see form my reply to Sally, today was fine apart from the shoulder issue!

    I would never have had the blooming thing done if I'd known all this was going to happen but, hey, ho, hindsight is a wonderful thing!

    You were absolutely right about the angles for the treatment, they will be going across rather than through so no back issues to worry about there, thank you. I asked again about creams but no, they don't issue anything so I will get something from the chemist instead!

    They have now manged to changed my session times to 9.00am rather than 4.00pm at the new hospital though so that's great and it means I will have the rest of each day to myself.  

    How are you getting on, any more cycling today? At least it's Friday tomorrow so you'll have the weekend zap free.

    Take care xx


  • Hi susu

    Sorry to hear about your sholder issue, that must have been painful.  I would get your doctor to prescribe the Diprobase cream, think that would work out cheaper than the chemist?

    I was out for another cycle yesterday, so feeling really good, skin is pinking up nicely, but keeping plenty of cream to keep moisturised, I don't find any problem with the treatment so far, so long may it continue, had number 13 today of 25 so now over half day.

    I thought I was starting to feel more possitive about the diagnosis and treatment, as it can make you pretty depressed, then last night my niece anounced on facebook that her brain tumour, that had been removed a year and a half ago, had returned, was inoperable and her doctor was giving her 6 months, well I have been in pieces, she is only 42!   I have been so tearful, just thinkingy of what she is going through makes my eyes well up, cant believe that this is happening, this has really Knocked me for six, was blubbing at work all morning.  Thankfully I am meeting up with my brother and sister-in-law on Sunday.  I stay in the north east of Scotland and they all stay in Southport, and they just happen to be up this direction on holiday, so hopefully will learn more over the weekend, but I have lost any motivation for doing anything.

    have a good weekend x

  • Hi Shirley,

    So, so sorry to hear the news of your niece, no wonder you are devastated, and what a horrible way to find out too.

    I hope talking things through with your brother and his wife helps even a little bit over the weekend and that you all find some way to cope with this shocking news. .

    Please remember to take care of yourself, I will be thinking of you and send lots of hugs. xxx



  • Hi Shirley,

    How are you doing? I noticed you have posted on here today so I guess you are trying to distract yourself a bit. And it's been sunny so hope you have been out in the garden too..

    All the best for tomorrow....

    By the way, I bought some diprobase and also some 100% aloe vera from boots yesterday. It seemed much easier than asking for more time off to have the doctor perscribe it. That's assuming I could get an appointment of course!  

    Take care xxx