I think it's back !!!!!!

Hi Everyone

Well I've not been on here for quite awhile

As I've been going though alot at the moment.

AnywAy the past month or so my pain level

Has got worse and mobility had decreased

In movement to walk so I've been gp a few times

And have increased meds.

This week had to go back to gp as the pain has not

Been under controll and has spread to my left hip

And into my lower back, yet again another increase

In meds and awaiting a ct scan as he thinks the cancer

May be back and has spread to other parts ,

I'm so scared just don't know when it's going to end.

  • Hi all thank you for your kind words and messages

    I spoke with the gp secetry who is lovely and she

    Advised me that she has faxed RJAH hospital

    Regarding getting the paper worki need and insisting

    To deal with the matter of regency.

    She also asked how I was I explained and have fitted

    Me on to see my gp tomorrow to see what can be done

    I can't carry on like this xx

  • Dor I really hope your chemo goes ok and you manage

    To survive the food while in there,will have to get

    Ya hubby to bring ya in supply's .xxxx

  • Hey love

    I had a curry today, I found out we have 4 different menus here!

    I was really hot and tasty, almost yummy!

    I pray your doing ok babe and your in my thoughts

    Oh and chemo so far is ok. (Ish)

    D xxx

  • Spent 24hrs in A&E being sent from doctor to doctor

    To be only sent home .

    This whole experience of having no hospital care and

    No one wants to deal withe till I have proper paper work

    From old hospital ....... Why is is it everything is all done to

    Money not how much pain and suffering your in.

    So was sent on my wAy after injection which was done

    By the rudest doctor ever who thought she new it all but

    Infact she had no clue.

  • Hi all

    Well it's been sometime since I updated you all

    As many of you know I have been fighting my hospital

    To change to new hospital, well finally I got to see my

    New doctor on Thursday,

    After 1 hour consultation ( unlike the 5 mins I used to get)

    I'm being sent for some emergency scans, he said

    That there is a big chance that the CANCER is returning

    And that's why ive got so many problems with my leg,

    My mobility has decreased, my leg now goes cold

    Completely and turns blue/ purple and pain increased.

    They are also going to scan my hip and lower back cos

    I'm having pain there to. As you can imagine I'm worried

    And scared of what the out come will be? Or am I gping

    To be left like this for rest of my life.

    I asked if he had a plan but he didn't want to go into

    Detail till results are in, so now yes it's a waiting

    Game and another roller coaster that never ends.

  • MLS .....

    I am sure you are worried and scared but thank goodness that at last someone is listening to you and being proactive to find out what is 'going on'.  Theres so little I can say to ease your fears, except that your friends here all love and admire you and we will be with you every step of the way!  Take care xxx

  • MLS

    Just like Max just wanted to say am hear to listen at any offloading/rant you need to have during the waiting period (always an anxious time).  Pleased that you have at least a new team who are listening and now pushing things along. Big virtual hugs Jules x 

  • HI Mylittlesunshine,

    So pleased that you have at last got your wish and that you are at last being listened to. But I am sorry to hear that it may have returned and that you have to wait for scans. One thing we all agree on, waiting is always a stressful time but as Max and Jules have both said your forum friends are always here for you anytime.

    Sending best wishes and hugs, Brian.

  • MLS, I have been reading up on your latest posts and my heart goes out to you. You are sure having a tough time of it and going through so much pain from your disease, but also having to deal with a health care system that doesn't always put the patient's needs first. As if you didn't have enough struggles, you needed to use your energy to try and get someone to help you. I hope now that finally, someone appears to be on track with getting things done, that you will get the services you need so that you will have some quality of life. As both Max and Jules have said, come on here as much as you need to, and you can rant and rave all you like; you have earned the right to do that. Let us know how you get along with your new doctor, and the results of your latest scans.

    Take care and hugs to you from me.


  • I'm so sorry to hear that. As you well know, the waiting is always tough but I hope the doctor comes up with a treatment plan soon.

