Ashamed to say it but feel envious of others who don't have cancer and are able to enjoy life fully

My prognosis is very positive but treatment is still long-winded,  challenging and feels like it will last forever.

I look at it by saying to myself that when it's all over taking up again the things I used to enjoy will be extra special.  Also I realise that one in  two will get cancer in their lifetime so none of us is out of the woods 

Any other thoughts?


  • Hello Hopecalm.  Sorry to hear what you are going through.  You say that your prognosis is very positive, which is great news.  I am not really sure if I am the right person to reassure you, because although I have terminal cancer, I have never felt envious of folks who DON'T have this monstrous illness.  I certainly miss that I can no longer do the things I used to do, such as going for a walk in the park, or gardening with my partner, or  simply going out for a meal with family and friends.  I also realise that all of the things that I wished to do will now never happen.  The best thing to do is to focus on your treatment, and  to look forward to the day when you are able to enjoy your life again.  Take care and I wish you all the best.    

  • You are welcome, take care, xx

  • Hello Hopecalm,

    Sorry to hear about how you feel. The same here, I am health conscious and always look after myself , I don’t smoke and drink but I have many health issues. First I was diagnosed  with osteoarthritis, next high blood pressure and on medication to control the cholesterol. Then 4 years ago had primary breast cancer and underwent lumpectomy, no chemo only a couple treatment of radiotherapy. I’m on maintenance taking Tamoxifen and finishes next January 2026. Passed the fourth mammogram all is cleared. Later this year will be my fifth mammogram and keep fingers and legs cross I pass this yearly mammogram. 

    While my husband (he is 76 today) smoke since he was 17 years old. He is a chain smoker and have regular drinking session and go to the pub 3 - 4 x a week. He is fit and generally healthy. This is the part I get envied  of his lifestyle, happy-go-lucky no health problem. 

    Anyway, let us think positive and don’t lose hope, always remember that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. If you need someone to talk to, I am always here for you I am sending you best wishes and always take care of yourself. 

    Good luck,


  • Hi Hopecalm, love the name! I think it is normal to be envious of those whose lives haven't been turned upside down by cancer. We are only human! I have been diagnosed with early breast cancer, have had surgery and reconstruction and now have just completed 15 sessions of radiotherapy. My prognosis should now be good but the doubt and worry of return is likely to be there in the background. All we can do is allow ourselves time to recover and work towards return to as near a life as normal. This takes time and effort as I am now discovering. Breast cancer rates are high and I guess we have to count ourselves lucky that we have able to have treatment and the chance to reduce future risk of return. Hope you do well and that life improves for you.