4th year of this battle with primary breast cancer

So glad that next month is my 4th mammogram since I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer. I passed the 3 mammograms once a year and all cleared. Keep finger cross this coming 21th of October my 4th will be cleared too. Finish my tamoxifen by January 2026. Hope everybody here are coping so well fight this terrible disease. Good luck  

  • Hi lagerlime2011, 

    That's fantastic news that the last 3 mammograms were all clear. Keeping everything crossed that the 4th one will be too! Keep us updated if you get a chance on how it all goes on the 21st. I hope it's all going well with the Tamoxifen - not long to go now until it's all finished. 

    We love hearing positive inspirational stories like yours. 

    Best wishes and best of luck for the 21st,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator