Prostrate cancer Radiotherapy


I am waiting for my CT scan in few weeks time then my radiotherapy to start in september (20) sessions 4 weeks 

Had anybody experienced this about above cancer  my cancer was caught early stage 2 Doctor said they can get rid of cancer cells as it is localised

  • Hi SRabb3, sorry to hear of your diagnosis, though good to hear it's been caught very early, being stage 2 your treatment will be done to cure. I have had 20 fractions (sessions) of radiotherapy RT 17 months ago, what would you like to know?.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel


    need to know what were the side effects (ifany) of readiotherapy treatment

  • Offline in reply to SRabb3

    Hi SRabb3,  my radiotherapy treatment was not typical so my experiences will not be yours. Though from talking to others with similar stats to you incontinence and erectile dysfunction were the most likely side effects of radiotherapy,  not everyone gets them and they are usually temporary and quite easily treated, If as I would think your also having hormone therapy HT the best thing you can do is to get as fit as you can it will help with fatigue caused by HT as its the one side effect most of us get and the only one we can prepare for.
